Terrible Customer Service

I changed my plan over from T-Mobile to Verizon because the services works better where I moved to and I went into the store for a consult and was told my plan was going to be $180-$190. I went in again to finally change my plan over and it was a terrible experience. They were not wearing a mask, smoking in the building and telling me personal information that made me VERY comfortable. He, again, told us that the bill with discounts and everything was going to be $180-$190. He never told us when to leave or that we were done with the consult and we were just sitting there waiting and had to ask, “are we done?” and he said “Yes, you guys can go whenever.” Also, two people promised us unlimited international calling and when we called they said that is not possible. I called customer service and they were kind enough to honor that. One of my lines keeps getting the same messages from different sources 50+ times and I called to see if they could help and they couldn’t. They went over the bill again and I had gotten an automated text from Verizon saying my very first bill was going to be about $200 and then I called charged $452. I don’t know how that adds up. I called to complain about all of this to a supervisor and they were extremely disrespectful that they made me cry and ended the call by saying, “If this is it, then I have other people to help so I am going to hang up?” and he kept talking over me. I felt extremely disrespected by that entire phone call and lied to by everyone at verizon. I am not making this up. Horrible experience with Verizon. 

5 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Sounds like you went to a "premium retailer" and not a corporate store.

No plans have international calling included. The closest are older data plans 12GB and up + the unlimited plans having Canada/Mexico included. For other countries, you add a feature per line to keep the cost down.

Customer service can't control who messages you, no carriers CS can.

Bill estimates are often wrong. These you have to let things finalize. If there is a legitimate discrepancy, CS can help after the bill prints.

Complaining about an unfinalized bill is wasting time. The queues are constantly backed up. Verizon does not have enough people to adequately take care of 120 million customers.


your customer service is disgusting! i am have been verbally abuse since I began this process  you. Your local stores are disgusting as well, not clean, smoking inside the premises and not well manner. Verizon is the most horrible company. I regret ever coming to this company, i was with T-mobile for 17 years, the only reason i transfer over was for signal. Through a Pandemic and loosing so much, you think all you would be more human. All of you are mocking and horrible. Thank you for absolutely nothing. 

Customer Service Rep

I apologize for the issues you're having with not the negative experience with your service. iToro. We want to look into your concerns and get them resolved. Please send us a private message so we can assist.



Edwin_W VZW support

Enthusiast - Level 3

It’s not ‘Customer Service’ anymore, it’s ‘Customer Gas Lighting’

Customer Service Rep

ltoto84, it's never our goal for you to have this type of experience when starting service &/or reaching out for support. We deeply apologize & are happy to help investigate further into your billing and account concerns. I've sent you a Private Note. Please reply at your earliest convenience. 


