Unlock Hotspot feature on Motorola Droid Razr or Samsung Galaxy S5


I have a Motorola Droid Razr and Samsung Galaxy S5.  They are all pay in full, and I am not in contract.    I'd like to use my phones during international travel, and buy the local SIM and insert to my phones. 

However, in my recent trips, I found that it is not possible to use the "hotspot" feature even I have a foreign country SIM in it.  I got a Verizon pop message saying that I need to have the subscription .  The fact is that I do have hotspot subscription on the foreign SIM.   Therefore, it is a module / feature Verizon lock to it to prevent user for fully utilize the features of a FULLY pay device.  That's wrong in ethic and false advertisement.   There is no mention that the device is "partially" lock .  I understand IF I use the hotspot in US, I have to pay extra... but that's shouldn't apply if I am aboard and not using Verizon service.    

Don't get me wrong, I am still thankful that Verizon unlock(do no lock) most of the GSM features on the phones by default    However, I believe it is not fully comply with the new FFC ruling about unlocking device .... ...  I pay for the verizon in US and fully pay for the phone, I don't owe Verizon anything right? Shouldn't I have the full entitlement to use all the features on the phone? 

Unless I am missing something, would someone please tell / help if there is a way to unlock it ?   

Attach is the link for FCC ruling FAQ and related info ..  http://www.fcc.gov/device-unlocking-faq


FCC compliant link : http://www.fcc.gov/complaints

Verizon own unock claim :    https://www.verizonwireless.com/aboutus/commitment/safety-security/device-unlocking-policy.html


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1 Reply
Master - Level 2

Yeah they have a real lock down on that mhs feature these days