Why Can't I Hear Callers Even Though My Volume Is All The Way Up?

Is there any way the volume on my MotoG4 Play can be increased?  Volume now set at Max for both voices during calls and for incoming ringtones.  And I do NOT have a hearing problem!

Verizon Tech told me phone was defective to return to place of purchase and exchange for new phone.  Is this my only option?

Have had nothing but problems from Day One - have already returned one defective phone.  Tired of all this hassle - and reentering

my contacts so many times.

Would definitely appreciate suggestions/tips/guidance ASAP.

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We can understand the importance of having a reliable volume level on your device, mmfiever and I’m happy to help you today. Let’s go over a few details and take steps towards maximizing the volume.

What we recommend first is you ensure that Bluetooth (settings > Bluetooth) is turned off on the phone. Does the phone have the newest software update (settings > about phone> system updates)? Does the phone currently have a case or screen protector? Please reach back out to us when you have the opportunity and we will be ready to continue helping.


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You have helped thank you. I did everything. I took cover off and I don't have a screen protector. Why would that cause problems?

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the steps you've taken so far, SUSTAND.


To clarify, if an accessory doesn't fit the phone correctly it can block parts like sensors, microphones, and speakers. Are you having the concern on basic calls or is this affecting apps that allow you to place calls? What happens when you test the volume in Safe Mode? Just in case: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-207461/



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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Champion - Level 3

What kind of case did you have on? I have seen a lot of times where a case interfered with the operation of the device.