Why is my data usage so high?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Historically my wife and I carry over data, a couple times we went over the limit so I bumped us up to the next size plan, that seemed to be more than enough. Then we went over again, so I would purchase an extra gig here or there and eventually going up to another plan. What I don't understand is my wife's phone spends 99% of it's time connected to the home wifi. But yet this week it says she's used 6GB of data, mostly on social media, which she does not even use. She doesn't even have a social media account. This last time I paid our bill and I noticed it said we had 75% of our data left, two days later we were out of data. Why? We haven't done anything different, updates are set for over wifi only. 

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  • LG

27 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It is vital that we find out what is causing your data to be used, given that there is so much access to Wi-Fi. What is the make and model of your wife's device? Other than unexpected data use, has she noticed anything peculiar about the way her phone runs?



Enthusiast - Level 2

Its not just her's it's mine also, but her's is always on wifi. Hers is an LG V40, mine is a refurb V30. It's just strange we don't really change our routines, then out of the blue we'll get a massive data usage, then back to normal for awhile. Like I said, this time it was like 8gb gone in a couple days. She has volume issues with her phone once in awhile, but pretty sure that has nothing to do with any of this. We have Xfi for our wifi, we just jumped up to 600mb speeds. Is it possible that it just shows her phone is connected to the wifi but really isn't??? 

Customer Service Rep

This is concerning to hear, let's take a look at what's going on. Please send a Private Note. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

OK 🙂

Customer Service Rep

megacabcummins Thank you for allowing us to work with you. We've sent you a private message. I want to make sure that all of your concerns are addressed.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

Well they were not, not even close.


I ended up having to get two unlimited plans so we didn't have to keep paying for overages. So now I am paying even more. I can switch to Xfinity, get two unlimited plans WITH two new S21 Ultras and still pay less for what I am getting now. I've been a Verizon customer for a really long time and Verizon has dropped the ball on customer service. The only reason for private messages is so new people on the forums don't see how little customer service pays attention to what is going on. I kept getting the same questions over and over, or the same canned responses. Not one person took the time to go back and read my replies. One of my lines is a tablet, that has been turned off for months, but somehow still rolling through data. I could keep going but what's the point...

Customer Service Rep

Rest assured it is our intention to resolve your concerns. The purpose of a private message is to discuss account specific information. Please meet us in a private message to continue. 

Specialist - Level 2

If the tablet is off the account it shouldn't be using data so check and make sure.  Are you saying the tablet is not listed on the account and is still using data?  When I had a tablet connected after I decided I didn't need data on it had it taken off the account and checked to make sure it was not listed and it wasn't.   Very weird you took it off the account and it still shows using data.  If you can get cheaper with good coverage and free phones probably your best bet is to switch.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It is not off the account, it was sitting unused on the charger, but somehow used gigs of data. But that was the least of the issues. Now that we have switched to unlimited the bill is too expensive and the service is even worse, I couldn't even get a menu to load so we could order from our favorite Mexican restaurant the other day. And neither could my wife who was sitting right next to me. Since switching to unlimited all I seem to do now is wait for my phone to load. 

Customer Service Rep

Good morning, megacabcummins. I am a consumer too, and I sincerely understand your concerns regarding your phone's performance. You indicate that you have an unlimited plan now and loading pages is too slow. We are happy to troubleshoot with you to improve your wireless service experience. We first need to check your location for any potential network issues. Please provide your ZIP code, and the nearest street intersection to your trouble location.



Enthusiast - Level 2

It's usually between 2pm and 8pm and from Everett WA to Anacortes WA, my phone and my wife's phone. 

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the details. I do not see any reports in the location. I can look at more details by looking at your account. What plan are you currently on? Are you able to send a Private Note?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Javier no disrespect, but this is part of my issue with Verizon's customer service. I should not have to repeat answers, you guys really need to read the threads you are answering. Yes I can send a private note... What would you like to know? I went from my excessively high data usage with no answers to having to purchase two unlimited accounts for a lot more money for way less service. I already have a feeling I'm going to be told the V30 and V40 need to be upgraded... Which will again, cost me more money.


"Rest assured it is our intention to resolve your concerns. The purpose of a private message is to discuss account specific information. Please meet us in a private message to continue. "


It's been two and a half months and so far the only solution has been me repeating my answers with the same questions being asked in private. And now me having to pay for unlimited service which I didn't want that seems to be even slower than what we had before. I'm paying over $250 a month for two lines of service, my phones are paid off, and I get a discount through my work... What exactly did Verizon resolve besides getting more money from me and a very unhappy customer?

Customer Service Rep



We understand that it can be quite frustrating to see high amount of data being used, when there is limited information regarding exactly how it was used. We also know how important it is to keep costs down, and not to have to upgrade just to keep your data working well. We would love to discuss your account concerns in more detail, and find a resolution that works for you. Please reply to our Private Note if you would like additional assistance with your account.  




Specialist - Level 2

What unlimited plan did you switch too?  We have start unlimited, the cheapest one and my 4G speeds are very good every where we travel, I am in NY.  If there is nothing wrong with your phones I wouldn't upgrade.  Maybe turn data off when you are not using it and only turn it on when needed and see if that makes a difference.

Enthusiast - Level 2

We both have start, I'm glad you have good 4g speeds though I am not sure how that helps me. The amount of money I am paying per month I should not have to shut anything off nor sit and wait for 20 minutes for something load load driving down I-5. I was sent another private message on the 21st and replied and nothing. I'm going to stop where I bought my phones, if they are of no further help then I'll just go to another carrier. Because it's quite clear Verizon does not care about their customers unless you are a new account. 

Specialist - Level 2

Is there anyone else in the area that has verizon you can ask if they are experiencing the same thing?  Did this just start?  A lot are complaing lately that service is not good.  If another provider gives faster speeds in your area that's about all you can do is switch.  No clue why devices would be using data when connected to wifi.  Have you tried uninstalling apps one by one to see what one might be using all the data?  My phone has data saver, prevents apps from using data in the background and I can turn it on or off.  Hope you get it figured out.

Customer Service Rep

We always want you to have a better idea of your data usage. We'd like to look into this further. Let's get to the bottom of this. Please send us a Private Note for assistance.

Enthusiast - Level 2

"We always want you to have a better idea of your data usage. We'd like to look into this further. Let's get to the bottom of this. Please send us a Private Note for assistance."


This is exactly what I am talking about... vzw customer support doesn't take the time to actually read what they are responding too. I did send a private message on 4/21 then I get a reply saying you are waiting for my reply. 

Customer Service Rep

We certainly want to ensure your concerns are addressed, megacabcummins. I'm sorry if any previous replies have been missed. I have sent a new Private Note to assist.
