Why isn't my wi-fi working on my droid razr m?

I have gone way over my data limit trying to fix this issue...I backed up all my information and then did the factory reset on my phone and that did nothing to help the fact that I cannot connect to wi-fi. I've tried resetting the router at home several times and that did nothing. I've rebooted my phone and it will say its connect for like a minute but internet still doesn't work and then the option to connect to certain wi-fi's doesn't even show up half the time. Please help.

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I know it's important to keep a handle on your wireless data usage gereyzer. Wifi is a great way to do this and I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. Is this happening with more than one wifi connection? When did this first begin? Are other devices connecting to your home wifi ok?

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It sounds like this is a common issue with this new update. I will be furious if I am charged for going over my data amt. b/c of this update. My wifi at home works on every device we have, laptop, kindle, iphone, ipod...all but my droid. If I turn my phone off, and back on, it will work for a few min, but then drop it again. Sometimes it will say connected, but will show 3G or 4G running. At times I've thought I was on wifi only to realize at some point it was kicked off and I had been using data for however long.

Customer Service Rep

I understand your concerns beccab72! Some phones have a feature to automatically switch to cellular data if WiFi connection is weak so that your data session is not interrupted. What's your phone model? I can confirm if your phone has this feature and provide steps to disable if your prefer.

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