Why no LG V20? Sprint, Tmobile and AT&T have it. If you don't offer it soon, I'll be forced to switch.
Enthusiast - Level 3

What is the holdup with the LG V20?  All of the other carriers have it, yet no one seems to know when Verizon will carry it.  I am a long time customer, and even stayed after losing my unlimited data.  I am eligible for upgrade, and want the LG V20.  I do not want any other phone currently offered.  If I cannot get some indication of when (or even indeed "if") Verizon will offer the V20, I will be forced to move to another carrier.  I don't want to have to switch, but not having any information about when/if the V20 is coming to Verizon at this stage of the game is going to make that happen. 

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50 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I've asked verizon this same exact thing and they have no answer. One great sales lady told me they usually don't setup a pre-order on new devices any liner than 7 days out from it's release. I personally think there going people Will settle for that piece of junk IPhone or the equally lacking new Google Pixel. I've been somewhat patiently waiting since mid September, my G3 is done, wireless card internally doesn't work anymore so I'm shredding my data why LG drags their feet on the release date. But I'm not going to waste my upgrade on a phone I don't want ie:Google Pixel, Samsung G7, or any Iphone for the hundreth time verizon!

Contributor - Level 1

You couldn't give me a Pixel. You could give me a Cloud-dependent Pixel and a crate of Pixels to sell at a flea market to make some extra cash on the weekends.

Customer Service Rep

Hello NoNoBadDog,

The last thing we want is to see you leave our family. On 09/06/16 we had announced the LG V20 will be coming to our LTE Advanced network. We currently do not have a release date for when this great phone will arrive. For additional details on the LG V20, please refer to this link: http://www.verizon.com/about/news/lg-v20-coming-verizon-lte-advanced

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Enthusiast - Level 2

So verizon answers the question with no answer, typical, but of course they don't want us to go-to AT&T or T mobile. If they want to keep us they better offer the same deals or better. I still find it interesting that the self proclaimed best and number one wireless provider still has no idea When they'll have the V20! AT&T will offer any V20 butter a new GLad for.99cents and free ear buds that retail for $150.00

Enthusiast - Level 2

Need a REAL idea of time PLEASE my wife is risking using the NOTE 7 because of this uncertainty!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm sure you have your reasons but why not consider pixel/xl? This phone is insane. I've used galaxy used lg this phone in my 2 days using it doesn't cease to amaze.

Only downfall I'm having is no more ir blaster, but I'm sure I'll work through that.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I won't go for the pixel:

1.  Non-removable battery.

2.  smaller screen

3.  no microSD card slot

Enthusiast - Level 3

I did consider the Pixel XL.  First off , unfortunately, the phone wouldn't be delivered until December. Then the fact that I would need 128 gb since there is no sd card.  The price for that phone vs this phone was considerably more.  It also had smaller screen.  I also wasn't crazy about some of the reviews I read.  For me the plan was to use this phone until the next "Note" came out so I didn't want to spend that much.  I actually considered a used phone. because I was going to make this phone my backup.  Boy was I wrong.  I actually really like the LG V20.  I actually love this phone so far!  I never had a LG before and I am quite surprised on how much I like it so far.  I don't understand why Verizon disabled so many of its features.  I never had this great of battery life and speed on any phone including the Note 7.  So unless I end up missing the S Pen a lot, I will just keep this as my phone.  I guess Samsung is really hoping I miss the S Pen otherwise they just lost a customer.  I feel bad that this happened to them, but I think they handled this recall so badly I hope more people go to either the LG V20 or the Pixel XL and it wakes them up to provide a much improved customer service model.  Presently, it's the worst!  I even had one representative from Samsung tell me that they don't care if my wife's S6 edge plus blows up.  I quote, "Don't call us on her phone, only the Note 7.  We don't care if her S6 edge plus blows up or catches fire."  How ridiculous!  Well it looks like Samsung's loss is LG's gain.

Enthusiast - Level 2

My wife is dealing with this Note 7 debacle and she want the V20. She could go back to her old phone that was just the worst in terms of functioning properly but she can't and WONT do it for long. We need to know how long she'll have to deal with that old phone because right now she is continuing using her Note 7 and I am condensed but can't convince her otherwise.

Please VERIZON just give us a better idea of the length of time!! Will it be about 2 weeks like the other carriers or a month, or two months or more!

As others are fearing I think you are going to screw around and try to push that Google phone... PLEASE don't screw with the Note 7 users even more then they have already been!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

So I see that Verizon has pulled the V10 from the list of available LG phones on their website.

I'm still hoping to stay with Verizon, but my G3 is dying; it is actually the third one, having exchanged two verified defective G3's for this one, which is as defective as the others. I can't afford to wait much longer.  I noticed that in addition to AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and South Korea, the V20 is now available in Singapore.

I cannot understand why Verizon is holding out. Perhaps they want to give the iPhone 7 and the Pixel phones a chance? But what about those of us that want a phone that meets our needs; needs not met by either the iPhone or the Google phones?

Verizon, the clock is ticking.  I really want to remain a loyal customer, but you are making that nearly impossible.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Spoke too soon.  The V10 is now back in the selections for LG phones. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

My guess, and it's only a guess, since Verizon is the only carrier for the Google Pixel, i'm betting we won't see the V20 for a while.


Not sure that the iPhone is interfering with the V20 release. I am however positive that Pixel is. Verizon gets a nice piece if every Pixel that is sold.  They make very little on the V20 sales due to the financing arrangements. They will wait until well after the Pixel is on the street to curb it's ssles. Don't expect V20 until closer to end of November.  Time to hit up TMo or Sprint. Sorry verizon, first the lousy actions on the note 7 recall and now this? It's been swell but I'm out.

Enthusiast - Level 3


Just finished a phone call with customer service in Atlanta regarding my Note 7 return. She informed me that their system now shows the LG V20 with a pre-order date of 10/20 and full system availability on 10/27!!! She recommended that I phone in on the 20th to get my explosive rated packaging over-nighted and my new phone pre-ordered. Its a great day!

Enthusiast - Level 3

it's always like watching paint dry waiting for some info on a new phone

Enthusiast - Level 2

I came across this just a little while ago. ☺️

Verizon to launch the LG V20 this week, ahead of other carriers

According to the article the V20 will be available online this Thursday and in stores on the 27th. I am so looking forward to this phone!

Enthusiast - Level 3

I have been through 2 note 7's and refuse to downgrade to a lesser samsung, a little nervous but looking forward for the V20

Enthusiast - Level 3

I think the V20 is the better of the two.  I was going to get the Note7, but when I read the reviews of the V20, both by itself and when compared to the Note 7, I knew I was going to wait for the V20.  Glad I did.  It also far outshines the iPhone 7 and the Google Pixle phones; neither of which I would ever consider. 

I called my local Verizon store this morning, the one where I usually do my business with Verizon, and they knew nothing about the V20 being available on the 20th.  I called Verizon Wireless Support, and was told then that the V20 would begin pre-order on the 20th, with deliver on the 26th, according to the associate I spoke with.

This is *AFTER* being offered on AT&T, T-mobile, Sprint, etc, in the US, South Korea, and Singapore, so the article cited by lhbert is wrong about Verizon offering it "first". 

I am happy that I finally have some hope of getting it before the end of the month.  Will preorder mine on Thursday.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Huh....gonna order Thursday?? Not January, interesting.

Enthusiast - Level 3
Enthusiast - Level 2

ordered mine yesterday, received it about 20 minutes ago, letting the battery charge atm. Looks like a real nice phone, I'll post later once i get it activated and use it for a few hours.