WiFi calling

How do I set up wifi calling on my G6 PLAY UNLOCKED XT1922-9 ?

The cellular signal is almost non existent at my home. Calls and texts especially with pictures dont send until I leave my neighborhood.

I was hoping this would help the situation.

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4 Replies
Master - Level 1

You can't. Unlocked phones( meaning phones not sold specifically for Verizon's network  ) don't get wifi calling.

Customer Service Rep



Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with your service at home. I know how I depend on my phone for just about everything. I'm more than happy to help you to the best of our abilities. Sadly since that is not a phone we carry our resources are limited. Here is a link that will cover the WiFi calling FAQs http://vz.to/2u1GgAw. That will cover some general information. However, you will need to reach out to the manufacturer for the exact steps needed to enable that feature (if applicable) on the phone.



Carriers typically use different frequencies and air interface technologies to provide wireless network access. Accordingly, a device that works on one carrierโ€™s network may not be technologically compatible with another carrierโ€™s network. โ€œUnlockingโ€ a device refers only to disabling software that would prevent a consumer from attempting to activate a device designed for one carrierโ€™s network on another carrierโ€™s network, even if that network is technologically compatible. In other words, โ€œunlockingโ€ a device will not necessarily make a device interoperable with other networks โ€“ a device designed for one network is not made technologically compatible with another network merely by โ€œunlockingโ€ it. Additionally, unlocking a device may enable some functionality of the device but not all (e.g., an unlocked device may support voice services but not data services when activated on a different network). So we can not guarantee that the feature is available or will work for you.



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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Master - Level 1

I've even highlighted Verizon bands. It supports ALL of them.

Networks + bands

B2 (1900)
B3 (1800)
B4 (1700/2100)
B5 (850)
B7 (2600)
B12 (lower700 abc)
B13 (upper700)
B17 (lower700 bc)
B20 (roaming)
B25 (1900+)
B26 (850+)
B28 (700 APT)
B41 (Full)
B66 (AWS3+4)

UMTS: B1, B2,B4, B5,B8


GSM: B2,B3,B5,B8โ€ 

You're welcome.

Content modified as required by Verizon Wireless Terms of Serviceโ€‹


Although I knew this answer, I am still looking into it.

I find it ludicrous that this feature IS ON THE PHONE (MotoG5+), but Vz will not let us use.

If this exact same phone was on T-Mobile, guess what, it would work. Or so I have read.

Why does Verizon disable features?

I will continue to look into, and gripe, about the lack of this feature.


Since drafting that, I found this -

So, at least on my phone (MotoG5+), there does not seem to an option called "Wi-Fi" calling, but there is a menu for SIP calling. From what I have learned so far, SIP will use Wi-Fi, the hitch is you need a SIP account. This is the part I'm still looking into, but wanted to point out the SIP menu in case someone gets to it before me.

Press phone (blue handset icon).

Press the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.



Calling accounts (here you will find the SIP menu)

SIP accounts

+ (upper right corner - here you will add your SIP credentials, username, password, SIP server).

So where do you get a SIP account? Well that's what Google is for, and that's the part I'm working on, in case anyone knows more about this.

Hope this helps,
