cracked android screen about to drive me nuts and verizon isnt helping at all!
I bought this Android about 3 months ago and dropped the phone today and it cracked HUGE across the screen.I hate that! Have this massive hole In the corner and its cracked all across the front....its interfering with texts and stuff.....I called Verizon and they want me to pay $99 to have it replaced! I have insurance....isn't that the point of insurance?is to have it covered in case of a damage? Not just get a discount or pay exactly what I paid when I bought the phone???? I'm so **bleep**.I'd be willing to pay up to $50 for a new one but no more.....I've had Verizon since 2006 I think it was and I'm so mad cause this is the first time yall have tried to do this to me! I might switch to at and t if I can't have it replaced for max $50....... I know its an expensive phone but everyone in my family has Verizon and I've had Verizon forever! All I ask is for it to be. A cheaper phone than 99 dollars since its cracked.....
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6 Replies
It's an HTC merge by the way......
Contributor - Level 3

I completely understand your frustration, but you have insurance. And it isn't Verizon that is making you pay $99 it is Asurion that sets the deductibles for the phone.


Would you rather pay $99 or $500 something to get a new phone?

True that but if Verizon sold me the phone in the first place....can't they be the ones replacing it? 99 is still high and yes I'd rather pay $99 rather than 500 something but its still high.....
Contributor - Level 2

i'm guessing you have never had to deal with any kind of insurance claim in your life.


it's a learning process


it's just like ANY insurance. when you go to the doctor you have a deductible to meet or a copay. when you wreck you car you have a deductible to pay. and when you break your phone, you have a deductible to pay. this is why i don't carry insurance on phones. if i break mine i will activate my old one or go on ebay or craigslist and pick up some type of android for $100-200. i don't see a benefit in paying $10/month (or whatever insurance costs) only to have to pay $100 when you need to use it. over a 2 year contract, if you have to use insurance, you nearly pay for a new phone anyway (about $200 in premiums and $100 in deductible). i do feel bad for you, but if verizon has to buy the phone for $400-500, then why should they give it to you for $50? and what if you break it again? should they give you another for $50?


edit: if you (or your parents) have homeowners insurance or auto insurance, then you may want to check into those policies as some of them actually cover lost or broken phones, with no deductible to meet.

Btw, the HTC Merge was only sold by third party retailers authorized to sell Verizon Wireless phones. It was never sold by Verizon Wireless directly.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.