"Data usage limited due to time of day . "
Enthusiast - Level 3

Like the title says "data usage limited due to time of day".

 It was working fine during the day. It is right now 7 a.m. I did a hard reset of the A10e phone and i am not able to complete the setup until i'm able to gain internet access. This brand new phone is a brick at the moment.

Maybe 10 years ago when i was still in high school it would make sense but definitely not now. Why is it doing this and how do i fix it? I still have 3gigs left for this cycle.

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

i forgot to mention... BEFORE the hard reset: i changed my phones' hotspot AccessPointName to "HotSpot".

AFTER the hard reset the Access Point Name was unchanged. I thought a reset was suppose to reset everything. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

it is now 10 in the morning and i still dont have my data working. What the heck is going on and why have i been having problems with service lately? i feel like i have been getting fudgeed with lately.

First :my free,exclusive offer of a phone cost full price.

and now this dirt.

What the fudge are you trying to pull again!?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Please help. This is serious. 

i need this GPS that barely works to begin with for work. Very very stressful. I need my sleep.

I dont quaify for anxiety meds for some reason and cigarettes are disgusting.

It is 1:20 in the afternoon and i still cant use my phone data !!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

it says "cant use hotspot while Data Saver is on".

I dont have a Data Saver !!!!! i have looked !!!!! i have googled !!! i have researched !!!!