works for one account and not another (My Verizon is temporarily unavailable)

Enthusiast - Level 2

Is anyone experiencing problems logging into the my verizon wireless website from a pc and getting the error message "My Verizon is temporarily unavailable"?  I can connect from my phone using the app but no longer on the website via a pc.  I did some testing and if I put in an incorrect password, this message also comes up.  But I know I'm putting in the correct password because it is the same one used on the phone app.

I have 2 separate verizon wireless accounts.  They both worked prior to 1/2/20 fine from my pc.  For some reason one of them stopped working from my pc.

Verizon Wireless was contacted 4 times concerning this, and it is still not resolved.

1/2/20 ... was told website was undergoing maintenance and would be up in about 72 hours

1/6/20 ... was told website would have it's maintenance completed in 3-4 hours

1/12/20 ... was told a ticket was opened for me (INC003269504) with tech support and was assured it would be resolved in 24-72 hours at the latest.  
Was told some others are having the same problem I am.

1/18/20 ... called for status, ticket is still pending

I conveyed to Verizon that one of my accounts works from the pc and one does not and that I was pretty sure it was something specific to my account.  Verizon deleted and restored my account twice but I still have the same issue.  Why do I have to keep calling support back and re-explaining the problem when they don't seem to be resolving my issue.


14 Replies
Customer Service Rep


We want managing your account online at My Verizon to be simple. Please accept our apology for all the inconveniences that you've experienced when attempting to access your account online at My Verizon. You mentioned that a troubleticket was submitted. We trust that our online support team will provide you with a resolution soon. Meanwhile, have you attempted to access your account online at My Verizon, today?  



Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm still getting the exact error message I've been getting since 1/2/20 as of 1/21/20.

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate you reaching back out to us today, vzw_customer_686. It does seem odd that you're still receiving these errors when you try to log into your My Verizon from the computer. I was able to review the ticket and it's still being investigated. I escalated the ticket for you. I do apologize for any inconvenience.  KevinR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

Okay, it has been officially one month since I logged this issue with Verizon and it is still not resolved. I have been more than patient.

I've worked in the IT field for over 35 years, and a majority of those years, I worked directly on user end issues. Letting a login problem of a user go on for more than a couple hours was unheard of (at least the for the companies i worked for). We did whatever was needed to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

I initially reported my problem on 1/2/20 and several times after, and still have the issue. I was told multiple times by Verizon that I should be okay since I can access my Verizon account through my phone's app. This is not acceptable. I always have, and always will manage my accounts from a pc, not a smart phone. Contrary to what Verizon seems to believe, you can not do the same things on a smart phone that you can do on a pc. I'm not going to go into the details, but a smart phone simply does not have the expanded capabilities as a pc.

Is it that my account that is not working is a prepaid account and my account that is working is a post-pay account? Do prepaid accounts get less attention/priority because they don't generate as much revenue?

I don't know what to believe at this point, I just know that a very large company like Verizon should take better care of their long time customers.

I'm very, very, disappointed on how Verizon is handling my issue. When Verizon products/services work, they are among the best, if not the best in the industry. But I've found out over the years, when there is a problem with their product/services, the support is far below average. The time it is taking to resolve this issue is just another example of why i continue to feel the way i do (frustrated with Verizon support).

Customer Service Rep

One month is a long time have experienced this issue on our network. You have our undivided attention. What happens when you attempt to access your account at My Verizon? 




Enthusiast - Level 2

I have the same problem using this list of operating systems and browsers, so I'm pretty confident the problem is on the Verizon side.
- Windows 10 OS
- Linux Mint OS
- Chrome browser
- Firefox browser
- Edge browser

Below I documented the exact login steps taken and the results. From what I'm seeing, the problem seems to be one of the following:
- my password not being synced with my phone app on the Verizon website
- Verizon web software is not taking the password for some unknown reason
- Verizon web software has disabled my account and will not permit login

problem since 1/2/20


Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone # & also tried account name>
Password: <entered my password, same password that works on phone app>

- clicked Sign in

- received error message
My Verizon is temporarily unavailable
Learn more about Verizon Wireless products and services:

Shop or browse our selection of phones and plans.

Get to know our products with fun and interactive demos.

Go to Send a Txt Message now.


Did some further testing and these are the results. I cleared the
browser cache data and gracefully closed the browser between tests.

Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone #>
Password: <did not type in any password>

- clicked Sign in

- received error message
The information you entered does not match our files.

Please enter your User ID or mobile number. If your mobile number is disconnected you must enter your User ID or visit

Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone #>
Password: <intentionally put in an incorrect password>

- clicked Sign in

- received error message
My Verizon is temporarily unavailable
Learn more about Verizon Wireless products and services:

Shop or browse our selection of phones and plans.

Get to know our products with fun and interactive demos.

Go to Send a Txt Message now.

Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone #>
Password: <used my password that worked correctly prior to 1/2/20>

- clicked Sign in

- received error message
My Verizon is temporarily unavailable
Learn more about Verizon Wireless products and services:

Shop or browse our selection of phones and plans.

Get to know our products with fun and interactive demos.

Go to Send a Txt Message now.

Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone #>
Password: <did not enter anything>
Forgot your Info? <clicked on>
Mobile Number or User ID: <entered my phone #>
Account Security Code: <entered security code>
Select how you want to complete your password reset. : <clicked send password>

-received this text message to my phone. Notice there is never a password in the text message ("Your password is and is valid").

"Your My Verizon password was reset. Your password is and is valid until you create a new one. If you didn't reset it, please call customer service."

Customer Service Rep

We know how important it is to have access to your online account. When did this first start happening? Does this only happen with a web browser?



Enthusiast - Level 2

I first noticed the problem on 1/2/20, but I don't know the exact time it started as I don't long into my account everyday.  I used my account via a web browser several times in December of 2019, prior to 1/2/20 and it worked fine.

The problem is only when accessing my account from a PC via a browser on the my Verizon wireless website. 

Verizon refreshed/recreated my account at least twice since the problem was originally reported.  Each time, I was able to initially successfully login and put in my information again along with a updated password.  When I logged out after putting all my information back in, I could not log in and was getting the same error I got to begin with.  I suspect after Verizon recreated the account and I put in a new password, the my Verizon website is not recognizing the new password.  The Verizon app on my phone was able to use the new password with no issues.


Customer Service Rep

We appreciate you checking back in, 686. I took a look at that ticket, and the ticket is still being worked and has been escalated. We are very sorry about the time it's taking to receive a resolution, but at this time, it is still being worked. We hope this information helps. EricW_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

This has been broken for over 2 months.

The last time Verizon reached out to me was 3 weeks ago.


Enthusiast - Level 2

It has been more than 5 months of this continuing problem and I stumbled upon the solution today (first time since my last post on 3/3/20) and that is why I logged into the forum to update what it was.  Since the origination of the problem in January (or shortly before), no one from Verizon Wireless ever called me directly to work with me.  Today on the Verizon Wireless website I see Verizon sent me a mail message to my Verizon web page (not to my direct email account) on 3/5/20 asking for my phone number to contact me.  Really?  I've given this phone number to numerous other Verizon reps for this problem and my cell phone number is in my account information.  No one thought to look it up there?

Anyway ...  I know exactly what the problem is and I can now login to the website with no issues.  I'm astonished that there are not tons of other Verizon customers screaming about this issue.  I must be one of the last dinosaurs still using a PC to access the Verizon Wireless website.  The problem is on the Verizon Wireless website side in conjunction with the bad information their support people are passing on to customers like me. 

Since I had to spend many many hours trouble shooting the issue on my own and figuring out the problem, I'll keep the solution to myself.  Verizon Wireless support provided absolutely no help to me for this problem and steered me in the wrong direction with their advice.  The problem was not with my various PC operating systems, hardware or web browsers or anything else on my end as they were implying.  It was totally their issue.

The resolution to my problem was so simple and its a shame Verizon Wireless support could not provide it to me on the first call I made to them in January.


Customer Service Rep

So sorry to hear about the issues with getting helped and having to endure the login problems for so long, vzw_customer_686. That is definitely not the experience we want for you. I am glad to hear that you were ultimately able to resolve this concern but if you should have any other questions or concerns, just let us know as we are happy to help. 



Can you tell me what the resolution was please.

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Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.
