volume button stopped working
Enthusiast - Level 2

Has anybody else experienced the volume buttons on their droid maxx no longer working?

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5 Replies

Try a running a Power Cycle press the power button for 10 sec. till the phone shuts down & re-powers try your Volume again..

Enthusiast - Level 2


Already did that. It's the micro switch that has mechanically failed as per you can feel it work when volume up is pressed, but not when volume down is pressed. Only got the device brand new 4 months ago as a replacement from Asurion because the three replacement devices they sent me to replace a lost razr maxx were defective, 1st being a hardware issue, 2nd being they sent me a previously rooted device (so much for complete refurb), 3rd was rooted and had a non stock rom running on it (again so much for a refurbished device).

During the past year I as well had account issues where I was told that by switching plans and giving up my unlimited data that my bill would go from $232 a month to $140 a month for two smart phones and one regular phone.

Imagine my surprise when I got a plan change advisory in the mail and the new monthly was $257 after actually reducing my services and losing my unlimited. I got in a rather heated conversation with corporate to have my unlimited plan restored.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Oh and get this,

Shortly after Asurion replaced the razr with the Droid maxx they raised my deductible from $99 to $150 and upped the insurance premiums by 60%


O wow you might see if you can get it replace since it has a 1 year Warranty if it was Brand new out of the Box you should be able to get Certified Good as new because the Volume is considered as a mechanical part of the phone.!

Master - Level 1

Total protection and Asurion are a waste of your money in most cases, when you take your out of pocket replacement cost and your charge per month.