why does verizon not care

after 4hrs on the phone the only solution is to spend $700 to payoff my phone and buy a new one, hey its only 3 months old and the problem is the latest software update, made my mobile phone a land line for the most part no longer has blue tooth? real nice Verizon, been with you since 1983 before the greedy corporate Verizon name!  any money i spend will be to payoff all 5 of my lines and find a company that cares and it does not feel like having a root canel done everytime you call them

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6 Replies
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Community Leader

Which phone model do you have? What troubleshooting steps have you tried? Which software update? Was a warranty replacement not an option?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


moto z force, factory reset update ncl25.86-11  replacing the device with the same device will have the same issue, its not hardware its the new software, so a new device once updated to the new software will create the same problem, got turfed to motorola only to be sent back to verizon, big game no one really cares just dont be late with a payment that will get someones attention.

Contributor - Level 1

If your phone is only 3 months old, it is under manufacturers warranty. How can your only solution be to pay it off? Something fishy here.


its software not hardware  new device will update to the new software,  verizon states phone works make and receives call just not on blue tooth not there problem contact motorola they tell me sorry its software nothing can be done at some point a patch will  address this issue


Come on you know how this works. Your phone is not working. It is 3 months old. It is a warranty issue. Work through your warranty. If it is truly software as you claim, the next update will fix the problem. Don't update until the next update is out. Also in many cases even with software or firmware issues, it can only effect some phones. It is rare that a bug kills all phones, and if it does, the manufacturer, not Verizon, has a lot of fixing and explaining to do.

Go through the right channels and do not try to make this an excuse to try to get a different phone which you are not entitled.


been down the proper channels I don't want a phone I want them to fix what I bought bottom line Verizon says its Motorola  Motorola says its google, and as to what I am entitled to is a working phone that I paid for not excuses or another dam "I am sorry to hear you are having a problem"

Motorola tier 3 tech told me today that the Nutmeg software does have issues and at some point they will address them but not sure when