500 MB data disappearing

Last month was the first time i was running low of my 500 MB limit.  I added an additional 500 MB in late March, then on April 1 another 500 Mb was added as my monthly prepaid.   Then on 5 April I get a notice that my 500MB is getting low!   Not sure what is eating up all my 500 MB as prior to last month and this month, I had no problem.  Could this be because I do not shut my iphone 8+ off when not in use?

All I use it for is WAZE and occasional phone call, but I have started doing some texting which I have never done before.  Does texting eat up a lot of data?  If someone texts my phone will that eat up a lot of my data?  If I don't remove or delete the text will that continue to use data?

Would shutting my phone off when not in use, save data?  75 yr old Pete

3 Replies

Okay, checked my data remaining and I have 481.3 MB !!  Why did Verizon show that I was running low yesterday?   Don't have a contact phone number or email to contact Verizon directly to ask them why and also why some of the 500 MB I added in late March did not evidently, carry over.

Customer Service Rep

As an iPhone 8 Plus user myself I too have experienced a bit of unexpected mobile data usage, chistp. Together we’ll get to the bottom of what’s consuming the monthly data.
When it happened to me, it turned out that apps were updating. Let’s check that first.
From Settings, go to iTunes & App Store section and make sure the “Use Mobile Data” toggle is disabled. Now, apps won’t be updated automatically over cellular.

Do you have a Wi-Fi network that you use regularly?

Also, on this link below there’s a section labeled “View how much data you're using”. When following those steps, what are some of the apps that use the most MB or GB ?




I called on April 4th because 10 gigs of my data was gone. I renewed on the 18th and when checking usage, it said I had only used 5.42 gigs. Then I got a message on the 2nd saying I had less than 100 MB left. I called and was told that something on Verizon's end, wiped out my data and they were not able to add it back. They gave me a 1 month credit and an incident ticket number to follow up on. I was supposed to have my data added back to my plan. Well, I called today to follow up and was told that I used 7gig of data on the 30th of March!!! I was livid. I have not and did not use that much data in 1 day. The rep tried to tell me that she sees it in my usage on her side and said that I don't see it because my iPad isn't registered. My iPad was registered by the store when I added it!! Needless to say, once she "registered" it and I logged into my account, there is still no data usuals by me on the 30 or 31. On the 29th of March it disappeared. I did not use it and they will not give it back to me. This was a system issue on their end and I'm paying the price for it. So I'm not surprised that your data "disappeared".
