Can't access prepaid account after switching from postpaid
Enthusiast - Level 2

I switched from a postpaid account (after being a postpaid customer for nearly 10 ! years) to a prepaid account. This all happened last week and was told in 3 to 4 days from an in-store Verizon worker I would be able to view via the APP or website my new-current prepaid plan and data usage, etc. A week now has passed and i still only see my old postpaid account. When i click on the "plans" or "usage" tabs, i would get am error message saying "Please try after sometime." (๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคจ)

There is no way to see what my current prepaid plan is or how much data i have used thus far. And yes, i can call #3282 or #225 on my phone but i would rather see all that information via the MyVerizon App or website. It's more convenient to be honest. 

I would like to add that i am currently using the same phone number i had from my postpaid account to prepaid. And while i was talking to a customer service rep (to help switch on over to a prepaid account), i asked if i needed a new SIM card and he said no.

So what gives? Do i have to wait a few MORE days for my now-current prepaid plan and usage information to show up on my account via the app / website?

Has anyone else gone through this exact same issue or something similar? Please let me know. I would appreciate it!

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13 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I would like to add that whenever i log in to my account to check my current usage, i get the following: (screenshot attached). This has been happening close to a week now



Customer Service Rep

Good afternoon! We understand how important it is to be able to access your account details. Let's have a look at why this is happening. Please make sure that you complete the registration process for your MyVerizon for the Prepaid account.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Did you get a solution, yet?   

I have the same situation, here. I changed from post to pre last month (to save $60 a month with better benefits) and still do not have access to my prepaid account on My Verizon, despite the phone rep telling me I would and despite and clearly stating we would have access to our accounts via My Verizon.  I have tried via the app, and it crashes harder than a toddler coming down off a sugar high after visiting grandma. 

Today I tried to log in so I could change the payment account for the auto pay that is coming out next week. I changed banks last week and spent all day today changing over payments on my auto-bill services and payment services. Verizon was the only headache.  Not a single hiccup, except for VZW.  

I tried to chat, but "I'm sorry, but we're experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again a moment later." That's been up since 2PM CDT.  I then tried to call the prepaid service number 1.888.294.6804  says they're open 8AM - 7PM ET (Mon - Sat) and were closed at 2 today.  When calling, from my mobile phone, I got  "The office is now closed."   If I called from my home phone, they answered and a robot janitor played  circular menus for several minutes and never got me into a queue.  He promised to and kept me on hold and said, "It looks like you need a representative, let me connect you," only to put me into the beginning queue again.  

So, I called post-paid and warned them.  The lady took her time and tried to find a workaround for me. She confirmed that I should have access, so expedited my call to technical support, but their queue was hours long. She tried to get to pre-paid support and kept getting disconnected while on hold, and expedited a call there, too.  She suggested I try back on Monday.  

I am beginning to regret changing, and wish I had gone to a MVNO provider...then again, "sometimes it is better the devil you know,  than the one you don't."  

Phone service with VZW prepaid : 5-stars.

VZW Prepaid Customer service .05  stars. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Nope. No responses yet. August 19th is when i made the switch. Today's the 27th. I don't know what the hold up is. I should have just bit the bullet and went with Spectrum since their intro offer is very inviting. What's holding me back is not wanting to buy a new phone because my current phone isn't compatible with their service AND sadly my loyalty with Verizon since I've been a member for a very long time. 

I've also had the same issues you described , getting the run-around and saving lots on my monthly bill and i KNOW there are others out there with these same issues. 

I'll go visit a Verizon store worker later this week for a possible solution because this is ridiculous๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿคฌ


PS: oh! And another thing! How to find your account number under a prepaid plan. I am reading that it's your phone number BUT that doesn't work. I even tried xxx-xxx-xxxx-00001. Nada! Nothing! The emails i have received as a POSTPAID customer would state it in the email itself (and this was last week when i got my confirmation to end my postpaid account) BUT when i get emails as a now-PREPAID customer, it doesn't show up. No idea how to find it. Even when i log in to my account, it's reflecting the OLD POSTPAID account. Ugh!

Customer Service Rep

We absolutely want to make sure you can access your online account! Have you already created a new MyVerizon account since switching to Prepaid services?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Nope. No change yet today. I even registered using my email address and a new password instead BUT since it says I'm a "guest," the website is saying to register and of course when i enter my 10 digit cell phone number, it says that phone number is already registered. Look at the attached image.


Also i am still unable to see my prepaid account so I'm still stuck until your IT people (or whoever) can delete my old MyVerizon online account and let me re-register



โ€ƒAnd when i check my bill, the old account is still reflected. Where it says "line has been disconnected," that is the POSTPAID account, not prepaid. I can still call, text and surf the web. I just want my prepaid account to be what i SEE when i log in to my MyVerizon account, not the postpaid. Like i said in my previous posts, why would it take this long to show the current prepaid account? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”



Customer Service Rep

We want to make sure you're able to access your prepaid account without any issues. We're going to send you a Private Note so we can help.


Customer Service Rep

We want to ensure this is resolved for you! To clarify, you have already registered for My Verizon again after switching? 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes i have tried to register a prepaid account but still run into the same issues. So to answer your question, the answer is no.

I spoke to one of your agents via chat this morning and she was going to try to deactivate my old My Verizon account so i can reregister with a new account BUT she ran into an error on her end. A ticket was submitted and should be fixed/solved within 5 to 7 days. Sometimes it can be fixed sooner which i hope.

I still get the following error message when i try to register for a new My Verizon account. It probably needs to be deactivated then a new one can be registered but who knows


Enthusiast - Level 2

Registering for a new prepaid account is requiring me to enter my 10 digit number but since my current number is still the same as my former postpaid number, i cannot proceed with a prepaid online account. And changing my cell number is out of the question. I Will not do that

Customer Service Rep

Hello! I'll be very happy to help you. I'm going to send you a Private Note.


Customer Service Rep

Good morning, and thank you so much for reaching out, today! We know how important it is, to have a smooth transition between services! Please send us a Direct Message, so we can look into and resolve this matter for you, quickly! We're always here and happy to help out, 24/7! *Vanessa

Enthusiast - Level 1

I've had exactly the same issue. Switched from postpaid to prepaid for my wife and I. Turns out my wife can get account access, but I can't get access, even though I'm the account owner.

Can't register my number for prepay, since it's already registered for post paid (which just shows the account is closed when I log in).


Customer service runaround. Told a ticket was submitted, but it fixed nothing.