Service got stopped
Specialist - Level 2

chat to a team member of verizon on a different matter a ticket was not created as claimed. During this chat as they were checking on that my service just died ended no bar nothing. The bars had a x above it next icon to left that show 4g or whatever gone not there in the top left corner was this new icon which was 2 arrow and a plus sign above the arrows one up arrow other arrow down. Pressing that icon gave a message saying words to the effect that I have no service and or I used up my allowed usage. I'm prepaid and just had renewal few days prior so all good for month and over 90 percent data left. So hardly over used . I used another phone got in chat to a person who had me turn off phone as they did a reset, not fixed. Did a network reset and seems normal so far. First time I have ever had this issue. Anybody else experience this, or know what could be the problem 

6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry for the delay on getting this fixed. What device are you using? If the account shows it's been renewed it could be the device. If they didn't have you try to remove and reinsert the SIM card, try that as well. You can also try a factory data reset if you would like, just make sure your data is backed up. Please reply here if this didn't work.


Specialist - Level 2

thank you for your reply and help, the only issue I am having with my device is in regards to the my Verizon app not always working ( the ticket issue mentioned) other than that no problems or things noticeable .

my sim card was just changed ( new one) other day did have one hiccup ( my Verizon app issue troubleshooting) were I was told I would get a system refresh ( i.e refreshed on your end) but got the number changed ( unauthorized I might add) instead ( not a refresh a claimed , nor was there any mention ever of a number change).

just find it strange that my service would have issue explained


Specialist - Level 2

Just wanted to clarify my number was changed back after I discovered it was changed and as for my device I am not experienced any problems to raise a red flag or anything such as dropped calls, acting slow or error messages type things to where it could be my device issue hoping that made sense. But if I had other issues I could be looking at device issue or fix. Still baffled to what caused the service issue as never had before. The my verizon app issue seems another concern not yet fixed

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the details. We want to make sure we are on the same page as you. Are you having any issues with your service, or just your My Verizon app? CourtneyM_VZW

Specialist - Level 2

still not providing me any information as to the cause or reason I had that issue.

as of now as I type not had for second time the issue

as for the my Verizon app seems any and every excuse is being used to do nothing on that, was told by one person a ticket would be created but wasn't .

 would call that a lie and or misleading a customer .

Specialist - Level 2

I have been lied to repeatedly by one of your chat reps, gave me a false/bogus number claiming its your level 2 techs, and made a another false / questionable claim
