Smart phone and prepaid problem

This is a rather long story, please bear with me.

I have an old Samsung basic flip phone. I use it on the: $0.99 DAILY PLAN - DAILY FEE ON USE, UNLIMITED M2M, $0.10/MIN TEXT.

The old phone is failing.

I bought (ebay) a Motorola prepaid Moto g smart phone.

When I attempted to activate it on-line I was told it would not work on my current prepaid plan and I would have to spend at least $30 per month.

In the last 30 days I have made 7 outgoing calls for a total of 28 minutes. Not a big cell phone user obviously.

Here is what I was told.

“When you change from 3G basic phone to 3G/4G Smartphone the system is going to ask you to make a plan change because they are different technologies and the plans are not compatibles. Actually, the plan that you currently have is a daily plan, which is also a grandfathered plan, meaning that this plan is no longer available and this is the reason why we cannot relate this plan to a Moto G device. If you change to another basic phone, it might also request a plan change, however, we can definitely work on that, nevertheless, on a Moto G phone is not possible to have a daily plan.” My emphasis added.

Did you get that? It MIGHT request a plan change but they can work on that.

I then asked “I can't see me buying another basic phone and trying to activate it only to find out I cannot activate it and must change my plan.”

Then “That is correct. Since a basic phone has the same technology, in this case it has 2G or 3G technology, we can give it a try to see if the system allows us to skip the plan change, sometimes if the new phone is a Samsung Gusto or a phone with the same technology it allows us to skip the plan change.” My emphasis added

So they can give it a try to see if the system will skip the plan change. And sometimes if it is a Samsung Gusto it allows to skip the plan change.  Give it a try!!! And sometimes!! What kind of answer is that?

My reply “But it is not fair that I can't find that out until after I make the purchase.”

Then I said (And I think this is the biggest issue ) “The activation and service guide that came with the phone shows the same schedule of payments as my current basic phone. (Page 11) $15 to $29.99 30 days $30.00 to $74.99 90 days.and so on. Just like my basic phone. This information in the Verizon guide is very misleading.”

I ended the chat session then as the outcome was very clear.

By the way, I wanted the smartphone for the camera, and wi-fi and of course a phone.

I am discouraged!

Any advice?

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3 Replies

To activate the smartphone as a prepaid phone, you are required to switch to the monthly prepaid smartphone plans. The smallest plan currently it $50 per month for 5 GB plus carryover and unlimited voice and text.

If you got a basic phone, I don't know if you can keep your old grandfathered plan. The current basic phone is $30 per month for unlimited voice text and basic phone data.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


So is the plan grandfathered to the phone or to the person who is the account holder???



The phone. More specifically the type of phone.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
