The mobile hotspot has disappeared; how can it be restored?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I switched from the $30 prepaid plan to the $70 unlimited data plan, after which the mobile hotspot worked for about 24 hours, and has now disappeared completely.  How can it be restored?  I've tried:  1.  shut down the phone and reboot  2.  Remove SIM and re-install.  3.  Cellular data \ "Set up Personal Hotspot" which takes me to a popup, which takes me to a url that is non-existent.  What else?  Thank you for your help? 

31 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

The mobile hotspot feature can only be restored by switching from the prepaid unlimited plan. The prepaid unlimited plan doesn't have a mobile hotspot feature included. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Not true. I have the unlimited plan- no hot spot. I had one thru Apple but since Verizon “hijacked” my phone it seems to supersede iPhone 

Community Leader
Community Leader


I would suggest that you sign into your MyVerizon account online and take a look at the current prepaid unlimited plan option. Verizon Wireless recently added the option to add the mobile hotspot feature for an additional monthly fee to the prepaid unlimited plan. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I too was scammed by verizon. They made me switch to the new unlimited plan and said everything will be the same.  Ofc no more hotspot.  

Will be looking into tmobile soon


Here is what it says on the prepaid plans when you click the i button next to hot spot:

“Share your Verizon network connection with other devices so they can access the internet at 4G speeds. Mobile hotspot/tethering not included on the Unlimited plan.”

Customer Service Rep

AnaH_VZW Thank you so much for patience. The free mobile hotspot is no longer available on the Prepaid unlimited plan. You would need to move back to a reguar data plan for the hotspot.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This is frick'n rediculous.  We pay more for the unlimited plan and you take away access to the very access to the data!  why?  I HATE BIG COMPANIES!!!!

Customer Service Rep

This is the last thing we want you to feel, RBrogen. I would love to help as much as I can. Can you tell me more about why you feel this way? AmberF_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

Ready to switch to different carrier. I asked specifically if there was an advantage to keeping my other 5 GB data plan and the SALESPERSON said there wasn't - should have known better I guess. I would say eliminating the hotspot is big deal, and complete disadvantage. There is no point in going to the unlimited plan if hotspot isn't available. On top of that, the compnay discount I was eligible for with 5 GB plan is not eligible on unlimited. SHE forgot to mention that disadvantage as well! Crooks! Seems the unlimted plan has more limitations than my last plan, but apparently those weren't worth bringing up to me when I asked, because she had to make some sales.
The site that it says to go to to set up the hotspot doesn't exist, it also says to go to the add-ons, where there is no option to add it! Ever since going to the unlimited plan I have had nothing but problems. They love to leave out important details when selling you all this dirt - thats what commission based sales gets customers. Pathetic and deceitful company. Done - With - Verizon!

I will lose money going to a different carrier just to be done with them. 


Customer Service Rep

I apologize for any confusion with our unlimited plans and their features, betleydr. I am a consumer too and I sincerely understand your concerns about the Mobile Hotspot feature. Please note that this feature is not included with the Start Unlimited plan, but it is included with our other unlimited plans. Please confirm this information at this link (


You are a valued customer and we do not want you to consider a move from our Verizon family ( for a misunderstanding about our unlimited plans and features.


Does this information clarify your options to get Mobile Hotspot with other unlimited plans?



Enthusiast - Level 1

This is absolutely insane. I don't care if this was or wasn't in your contract when I signed it. The fact that you don't have the option to add because you have an unlimited plan is preposterous. As soon as this contract is over, I will be switching companies unless this garbage is fixed. I'd prefer to be back on my last provider and they were TERRIBLE, but I will not tolerate this kind of lack of customer appreciation and available services. 


Mine too. Same horrid service. 

and I’ve been trying for a month to upgrade my daughters phone for Christmas. Once I waited two hours in a store. I left with no phone. And FIVE TIMES I have texted or waited on the phone o my to be disconnected. Every single time. And no one calls back. I mean it’s a PHONE company. They have my number. Verizon truly terrible. 

Specialist - Level 2

Wow the store by me they are doing appointments.  Friend wanted to get her teen sons smart  phones for Christmas  and made an appointment.  She said rep was very helpful and walked our with 2 phones and it didn't take that much time, no 2hr wait.  Pretty sure it's a corporate store.  I am in NY though so lots of covis rules to follow.  

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just found this out myself the hard way I think I’m finally after 25 years going to have to shop my cell phone plans out to another carrier. I was never informed the hotspot would be sacrificed if i went to unlimited. why would i pay more for a downgrade

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no. Deborahpib,we would never want to lose your 25-year loyalty. We know how important it is to be on a plan that aligns with your needs, and we'd love to review other options with you right away. We'll be sending you a Private Note to better assist. 



Enthusiast - Level 1

I’m an old-time customer and I feel disrespected for having my hotspot taken away. I don’t care what anyone says, it was something I had that was taken away unceremoniously.

Customer Service Rep

We are concerned to hear you feel this way as well Uli2001. We want to make sure we are addressing all of your specific concerns. Can you share exactly what happened with your hotspot? Did you change plans recently?

Enthusiast - Level 2

This happened to me too. What kind of scam is this? There was no notification I was aware of that switching to Unlimited would take away the hotspot. In fact, I thought the hotspot was a feature of the iPhone, not Verizon. But as some other customer said, looks like you hijacked it. I rarely use it so I don’t want to pay a monthly fee for it. However, it really comes in handy during power outages like today!! I can’t believe I’m paying more and getting less. This is ridiculous. It literally costs you nothing to allow hotspots. The phone does all the work. It’s just extending the signal already received. Very greedy move Verizon.  And after all the trouble I had this week with your horrible tech support on another issue I am seriously considering ending my 22 year relationship with you! 

Customer Service Rep

I'm sorry to hear you feel this way about us caldera. We do not want to lose you after 22-years. I understand the need to use the Mobile Hotspot for additional internet connection on your other devices. The Mobile Hotspot is not a feature of the device, it's a feature we provide that your device allows you to use. You have to have the correct plan to use the mobile hotspot on your line. I hope you stay with our family, change your plan and enjoy the mobile hotspot as I enjoy it. 


Do you have any questions? Would you like to discuss a plan change today? 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Which plans have mobile hotspot? We have 5 phones on Start Unlimited. I don't even see mobile hotspot available as an add-on.