
I'm looking at my plan right now on your website. It shows I have unlimited hotspot. I have tried to use it in the past, but phone settings for hotspot say I do not have it installed and to call and have that feature activated. I also have unlimited talk and text which works just fine obviously. So I would like my unlimited hotspot that you have listed as part of my plan. Thanks

3 Replies
Champion - Level 1

Are you on the 15 gig prepaid plan?  The verbiage about the hotspot is rather confusing because it says "from plan allowance" but there is actually no "allowance", i.e. you do not have hotspot capability.  You'd have to be on the unlimited prepaid or the unlimited plus prepaid before you get any kind of hotspot usage on your phone.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read about the issue with using your Hotspot. We're here to help. Were any changes made to your device before this issue started? ~Peter

Champion - Level 1

Peter, I don't think the OP has a separate hotspot device, they were asking why they can't use their phone as a hotspot.  If you look at the plan description for the 15 gig prepaid plan, there is a really confusing statement about hotspot capability "from plan allowance".  This looks like someone forgot to edit a preformatted template, and I can see how someone might think they've got unlimited hotspot capability on their phone with this plan.  The only way I figured it out was by looking at the other prepaid plans and noticing that you either get 5gig or 25gig hotspot capability with the other 2 prepaid plans, which are higher-tier service plans.  Obviously someone is not going to get endless hotspot usage on a cheaper plan.  The hotspot statement needs to be taken out of the 15 gig prepaid plan description.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.