Smart Family App Update Problems!!
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am so upset at Verizon for the recent disaster of an update on the smart family app. Nothing works, it constantly states it has lost connectivity with my child’s phone… and everything that Verizon asks me to do try to and fix it does nothing to fix it. I’m paying for a service that no longer works. Makes me really consider going to another carrier that doesn’t send me dumpster fire updates. At the least  if this isn’t fixed next week, I’m cancelling the app and the service.

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33 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read about the issue with the Smart Family app and we're here to help. Did you delete and reinstall the Smart Home app and Smart Home family companion app on all devices when the new update released? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 1

Everyone has deleted and re installed! There is no excuse for this, this is supposed to be a safety feature offered by Verizon.  The locations are the worst part, my kid is sitting next to me on his phone, and it shows him 2 miles away and no activity for 14 days!  

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for bringing this to our attention KC106. We will be sending you a private message. -Joe

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same issue here. I went through customer service and never received a resolution. I’m so frustrated. This is supposed to help protect the kids and the app doesn’t work. And I paid for it!!!!

Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry to hear this issue persists. We would love to help Unhappy_customerX. What troubleshooting have you done so far?-Joe

Customer Service Rep

We are still here to provide support. If you prefer, we do have other support channels that you can reach out to for assistance. You can review all of our support options here:  ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 2

It's VERY CLEAR everyone has deleted, reinstalled,  etc....STOP ASKING THAT AND GIVE US A SOLUTION 

Enthusiast - Level 1

That is basic troubleshooting. I’ve done everything you can think of. This app doesn’t work. The accuracy is 1%. I got this app to give my child more trust and I can’t even depend on the service IM PAYING FOR. This is so dumb. Do better Verizon. 

Customer Service Rep

Vyvturn, help is here as we know how important it is to have the ability to use this app for your child. Please tell me more about the issues. Does the location not work at all? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I came looking for help because I’ve spent hours in support chats with service and tech without a resolution. I cannot pair the app on one child’s phone. It worked fine on one and then I went to do the other and that phone is not receiving any of the Verizon messages about Smart Family - the “invite” or the verification codes. How do I fix this? (And yes, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and powered down, etc)

Customer Service Rep

LK47, thank you so much for this info as we want to ensure you can get the Smart Family application working on the phone in question. Do you know if in the past there were any blocks set on the line in question? Blocks for data or text messages? 


Enthusiast - Level 2

I myself go through the same problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled app then after a few days same issue. We should not have to continue to uninstall and reinstall to get a service you charge for to work.

Customer Service Rep

Tigress1971, please tell me more about the exact issues you are experiencing as it is our goal to help. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

The Smart Family App  support team can assist via the app. Please do the following:

1. Tap More to get to the Help Center

2. Scroll down to Help & support 

3. Send feedback


The Smart Family Support Team will be able to assist once they get the feedback. 

Thank you for your patience. 



Community Manager
Community Manager II
Enthusiast - Level 1

The new app is terrible. Sorry to say but I have had the Smart Family app for YEARS and the new version Verizon just made me update to is absolutely horrible.

Doesn't work. Locations don't save, even on my own phone, call history is not there... nothing except the current locations of those on my plan. 

The map is terrible, actually the whole set up is so disappointing and it is a pain to navigate.

Deleted it,  Reinstalled, tried all the different setting options....Didn't help. It's still terrible. 

I am seriously going to now shop for a different type of app to have for my family and their safety.

This is very upsetting because the old app was great and worked perfectly! 

Sorry but this update was really a bust and I know many other verizon customers with the Smart Family app agree! 

This can not be called Smart Family when it is no longer a smart app at all. 

Customer Service Rep

NewVApp23 We're sorry to read about the experience with the new app. Have you deleted the old app completely? Are your devices on the latest software? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the EXACT same problem. Deleting and reconnecting does t work. It will say child is now paired but still nothing comes through. 

Customer Service Rep

Dzbreezy We're sorry to read about the issues you're having with the Smart Family app. We want to help. Are the devices on the latest update? Have you deleted the old Smart Family apps on all devices? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why is the reply to reinstall? That I viously doesn't help. Contact your superiors, an administrator and the CEO. This is a SAFETY issue!!!!! The app does not work to keep kids safe and it used to be flawless!!!! Give us back the old app.

Enthusiast - Level 1

i agree!  The old one worked fine and the new one is awful.   I have had to delete and reinstall multiple times.  Sometimes it works....sometimes it doesn't.