Again and again and again and again

This thread is to everyone who is thinking of starting a new 2.2 rabble rabble rabble thread..... PLEASE STOP! There are ample threads where you all can go and complain about how you were duped by VZW, Samsung, or God himself. I am new to Verizon and I LOVE my Fascinate. I do, however, HATE getting on this forum to get USEFUL info about my phone only to see "where's 2.2" repeat threads over and over again. Get a new phone, get a new carrier, or even better...get a life. Just stop re-posting the same darn things over and over again and again and again and again and again and again................................Thank you, and good night

33 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Well said !

Enthusiast - Level 3

Amen to that! Most of the comments are useless whining. I cannot believe some people have so much time to waste on a phone!


understood by most everyone but, it won't stop the complaining! As long as Samsung/Verizon fail to answer our questions about Froyo, the threads will continue! Good Night! :smileysad:


By the way, here is some useful information about Verizons' Samsung Fascinate:

1)  Flashplayer 10.1 won't work with the 2.1 Android Operating System - Skyfire to the rescue!

2)  The phone loses way too much battery life too quicky - regardless of suggested changes by other users

3)  Eclair 2.1 runs with the speed of a pregnant hippo! Have you done a operation speed comparison with 2.2.Froyo? 

4)  ...and the list goes on and on!


Have a nice day ...oh, and Good Night!

Enthusiast - Level 2


techlife2 wrote:

By the way, here is some useful information about Verizons' Samsung Fascinate:

1)  Flashplayer 10.1 won't work with the 2.1 Android Operating System - Skyfire to the rescue!

2)  The phone loses way too much battery life too quicky - regardless of suggested changes by other users

3)  Eclair 2.1 runs with the speed of a pregnant hippo! Have you done a operation speed comparison with 2.2.Froyo? 

4)  ...and the list goes on and on!


Have a nice day ...oh, and Good Night!

So you're calling yourself stupid, for you know, CHOOSING this POS?


(For the record, I'm mostly happy with my Fascinate, don't think it's a POS and am decidedly not stupid.  But someone who would buy something so obviously inferior must be, huh?)



You misunderstand!  I was merely pointing out some of the the basis for our negative threads concerning the Fascinate!  My apologies to you.....

Contributor - Level 3
Skyfire does not support all the flash info, is why trying skyfire to see if I could see by studies with 2.1, it did not work, had to upgrade to 22 and now everything is running just fine
Specialist - Level 3


jcupdubb wrote:

This thread is to everyone who is thinking of starting a new 2.2 rabble rabble rabble thread..... PLEASE STOP! There are ample threads where you all can go and complain about how you were duped by VZW, Samsung, or God himself. I am new to Verizon and I LOVE my Fascinate. I do, however, HATE getting on this forum to get USEFUL info about my phone only to see "where's 2.2" repeat threads over and over again. Get a new phone, get a new carrier, or even better...get a life. Just stop re-posting the same darn things over and over again and again and again and again and again and again................................Thank you, and good night

 So you started a new thread to complain about all the other 2.2 threads? Hmmmmmmmm.... Just ignore them if you do not want to read them.

  I love the Fascinate also............Thank you, and good day....



I recived a message early this morning stating update EB01. But when i selected download, it gave an error message.

was this an OTA message update? .....

Master - Level 2

lol. Doubtful.  Or at least I'd hope they wouldn't be pushing out a build that's been floating around for 2 months.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I completely agree with the original post.  However, the masses on this forum will not stop, nor will Verizon forum moderators clean up the forum to compile these useless threads into one.  Just like you I truly like my Fascinate.  Just like you I find some of the complaints lack accountability to those who purchased the phone.  If they had researched the devices and found these items they seem to miss now, were not included with the phone at the time of purchase then they should have purchased something else.  No matter.  They will blast this post and complain more and then tell us not to read their posts if we don't like it.  Funny but they seem to come to this post or any other tired of the gibberish and put in their two cents worth without taking their own advise and not reading it or moving to a post that fits their issues. 


The phone is pretty awesome and capable.  I hear that with the superclean versions its pretty amazing.  My husbands Atrix is running 2.2 and not noticeably faster than mine.  He does have a few more capabilities but so will the Fascinate when the upgrade does come out or when people take theirs to the dentist.   

Specialist - Level 3


ladybell wrote:

I completely agree with the original post.  However, the masses on this forum will not stop, nor will Verizon forum moderators clean up the forum to compile these useless threads into one.  Just like you I truly like my Fascinate.  Just like you I find some of the complaints lack accountability to those who purchased the phone.  If they had researched the devices and found these items they seem to miss now, were not included with the phone at the time of purchase then they should have purchased something else.  No matter.  They will blast this post and complain more and then tell us not to read their posts if we don't like it.  Funny but they seem to come to this post or any other tired of the gibberish and put in their two cents worth without taking their own advise and not reading it or moving to a post that fits their issues. 


The phone is pretty awesome and capable.  I hear that with the superclean versions its pretty amazing.  My husbands Atrix is running 2.2 and not noticeably faster than mine.  He does have a few more capabilities but so will the Fascinate when the upgrade does come out or when people take theirs to the dentist.   



    I agree with alot of what you said, but when I was looking at purchasing this phone back in September, do you think all this information was available back then? Besides, when I asked about the phone to the salesman, he told me that 2.1 would not do Flash "But wait, the 2.2 upgrade will be out real soon to fix that and other things".  If I could have fast forwarded to today and seen what was about to transpire, your right, I might not have gotten the phone, or I would have still gotten it knowing the issues. Did anyone tell me when I purchased the car dock with the phone that "It will not work without the 2.2 update, but you might get that update sometime between 6 months and a year from now."?  No, they did not, and I would not have spent the $39.95 to buy it had I known.


   If anyone complains today about "I just got the Fascinate, and I feel ripped off because the salesman told me this or that.." THEN you would have a right to complain about them.


  Just my $.02

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well let me just say, that I completely agree with the whole dock issue.  I personally think that is rather ignorant on the part of the provider and manufacturer to try to sell any apparatus for this device that would not work with a current operating system.  It does tell me however they intended this device to obtain the 2.2 OS or they would not have a dock that would only work with that OS.  However, I got my phone at the end of November.  I was never promised an upgrade.  I researched the device.  Not the OS.  Ultimately I wouldn't buy any device for the software.  I bought mine because of the hardware.  Simple as that.

Contributor - Level 1

ladybell wrote:

Well let me just say, that I completely agree with the whole dock issue.  I personally think that is rather ignorant on the part of the provider and manufacturer to try to sell any apparatus for this device that would not work with a current operating system.  It does tell me however they intended this device to obtain the 2.2 OS or they would not have a dock that would only work with that OS.  However, I got my phone at the end of November.  I was never promised an upgrade.  I researched the device.  Not the OS.  Ultimately I wouldn't buy any device for the software.  I bought mine because of the hardware.  Simple as that.

I don't believe "ignorant" is the right word because it means lacking knowledge, not knowing. Do you actually believe Verizon and Samsung DID NOT KNOW that the dock is not fully functional with Eclair OS, please!!!  You believe that it means Verizon means to give us Froyo one you believe: what I was told back in September 2010.


Please direct me to any official corporate news release by Verizon that they have any intention whatsoever to upgrade our phones to Froyo..there is none. So if back in September 2010 I would be considered stupid for believing a Verizon employee that told me the Fascinate will get Froyo before years end. Why do so many happy, patient current Fascinate owners continue to insult the whiners and tell them to be patient, because Verizon is just waiting to release a really, really good stable Froyo.


What makes you believe today; that it will actually happen, what proof do you have? What makes you so smart TODAY for believing an update is coming and the whiners stupid for believing the same thing back in September?


Verizon spokesperson Brenda Raney stated that Fascinate users would be able to use Google search with the 2.2 update.

This article dated September 10, 2010


posted Sep 10, 2010, 1:17 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Verizon Wireless has confirmed to Phone Scoop via email that the Samsung Fascinate, which shipped with Bing as the default search engine, will be able to download the official Android Google Search application once the Fascinate is updated to Android 2.2. Verizon Wireless would not confirm when that update is scheduled to take place, but suggested that users who want to use Google Search instead of Bing set as their Android browser home page. Verizon Wireless spokesperson Brenda Raney said, "You can go to Google's home page and download an icon from that page and use Google as an alternative search option." Alternately, Raney said that Fascinate users can "download Voice Search from the Marketplace and when you use Voice Search, it searches in Google." Though the Android 2.2 update will allow Fascinate users to download, install, and use Google Search, Google Search will not replace Bing as the main search engine that launches when the "Search" button is pressed. That button will always launch Bing, even after Google Search is installed.


There are other articles around the same time frame stating the same thing.


There are more but I think everyone gets the point. A VZW spokesperson said the Fascinate would get google search once it is updated to 2.2, blah blah.


I got mine a day or 2 after launch day and can assure doubters that I researched the heck out of Android phones that were out at the time. All review sites were united in the belief that 2.2 would show up on all the Galaxy S phones ( I can post more links). The Droid X was actually my first choice but was out of stock with a 2 week wait and my contract was up with another carrier. I can also assure those who would call me a whiner that when I asked the Verizon store salesperson about the GPS issue I was told that since the Fascinate was the last Galaxy S released that it was fixed, this is the same person who said that froyo would be released by the end of the year.


Finally to those who say if you want it go to the dentist (I actually have but thats not what i'm paying for)  I would say... none of those procedures are based off of official builds. The Super Clean versions are cobbled together from various pieces. Every single post at the dentist office starts with "I am not responsible if you damage your device" and Verizon says you void your warranty if you use them. Pretty comforting stuff.

Contributor - Level 1

I appreciate your efforts to present proof that Verizon is committed to the update, I really do. However I believe Verizon was simply deflecting criticism for selling out to Microsoft and did not ever make any official corporate announcement in their own website to inform their customers directly. From what I read maybe one day, perhaps, if they ever release 2.2. That is not a real release to express a desire to please their customers.


I view those emails to phonescoop as simply smoke and mirrors. Let me just say that if I want to say something to you, I don't send an email to your second grade teacher.:smileyhappy:


I understand what they were doing and what they should have said is we have a contractual agreement with MS. Try it you'll like it or something like that instead of blowing smoke. Overall this has been a huge joke and both Verizon and Samsung have lost repeat customers over this.


To be honest with everyone, I have had my fill of this forum. It is the same old stuff - day after day!  Where is Froyo? What about Gingerbread! My salesman told me the update would arrive soon!  Verizon doesn't care about its customers - Samsung doesn't listen to their customers.   For the most part, we have forty million different threads discussing the same thing - the initial design is all wrong!  Now, you're suppose to have a solution to the problem before you complain but, in this case, I don't!  So, if anyone is listening, remember this: "Hindsight is not 20/20 but, rather, foresight without a future!"  :smileywink:
