Any updates from Verizon on their (or Samsung's) progress toward fixing these multiple 2.2 problems?

Like thousands of others, I've had multiple issues since the 2.1 > 2.2 upgrade, including freeze-ups, general slowness, Bluetooth connectivity hell, and ridiculous battery life.


Since some other minor work-arounds have been effective, I'm anxious to see if a new work-around I just saw (in a Galaxy Tab thread, yet referring to the Fascinate) may or may not help -- a suggestion to remove the "feeds and updates" widget due to some issue with the Facebook news feed.


(I'm trying several things, but hoping to avoid a hard factory reset, not wanting to chance problems with backing everything up.)


Here's another temporary fix I had success with, for the issue of horrific battery life with the 2.2 upgrade -- Go to Settings - WIreless & Networks - Wi-Fi Settings - Advanced, then set "Wi-Fi Sleep Policy" to "when screen turns off" instead of the default "never".  Uses noticeably less battery that way.


I also saw some minor improvement in speed by going to the RAM manager tab (in Task Manager) and occasionally clearing both Level 1 and Level 2 of RAM.


Another issue I haven't yet figured out, though, is a Bluetooth connectivity problem with my Ford Sync in my car.  Maybe about 30% of the time, the Bluetooth won't connect, or actively disconnects the phone.  (Rarely had been a problem with 2.1.)  Only gets fixed with a complete reboot, or sometimes by turning Bluetooth off, then on again, then it ALWAYS force-closes, then turning Bluetooth on again.  Ugh.


But obviously, this OS SHOULD work properly without having to jump through ANY of these hoops.


Throughout this forum over the past month or two, I've seen multiple promises from Verizon, saying that Samsung was working on a fix or update for all of this.  Whether it would be in the form of a patch, or perhaps a direct upgrade to Gingerbread 2.3, ANYTHING would be appreciated.


Does ANYONE have any word on progress towards a fix?  There are truly THOUSANDS of dissatisfied customers suffering through these multiple problems.


I'd even be somewhat reassured if another Verizon rep posts here, even if just to say that Verizon and Samsung are indeed still actively working on it, not just cutting us all off into oblivion and hoping the problem goes away.

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Don't you just love the sound of crickets??? 

Maybe no news is good news?? 



Yeah, your'e probably right...  :smileyindifferent:


There are no current official fixes for the problems with the Samsung Fascinate. Some people are being offered a replacement phone due to this. If you're having missed calls and texts issues then please call Tier 2 tech support and have them help you. They should be able to offer you a refurbed Droid X2, Incredible 2, or at the store they can get you a refurb'd Samsung Charge. I was able to order my incredible 2 today so good luck!


As a side note, a lot of people are opting for the Samsung Charge because its a 4G phone...but personally I'm a bit weary of Samsung devices now...the Fascinate is my 2nd model Samsung phone that has caused me a lot of problems...before this I had the Samsung Rogue -__-


I have had similar issues with my Fascinate. I bought a Ford Edge in July 2011 and the phone and car synced beautifully without trying - all I had to do when I got in the car was make sure my phone bluetooth was on (using the drop down screen on the main page) and I could make calls using the buttons on my steering wheel by voice command alone. I never had to download my contacts or enter contacts manually into the phone - it just connected and worked. On December 6, 2011, there was an update on my phone to firmware version 2.3.5 and suddenly I cannot sync my phone and car at all. I make the phone "discoverable" and the car registers that the phone is "connected", but when I go to make a hands-free call with a voice command ("Call Mom"), it indicates that there are no entries. I never had this problem before. Even when I jump through all the hoops (select Bluetooth from the drop-down main screen on my phone, click on settings/wireless/bluetooth, make phone discoverable and scan devices),  the phone does not register that it is paired with my car, even though my car registers that it is connected to my phone. When I try to make a call using the phone keypad, it does not ring through the car speakers, only through the phone. When I put the phone to my ear, if the bluetooth button on the phone screen is on, I cannot hear anything and the caller cannot hear me. If my phone rings, occassionally the ring will come through the speaker, but I am not able to answer the call without the sound being cut off and going directly through my phone. I am very frustrated with this and want to go back to the old update status. I need the hands free function because I travel for my job, am frequently on the phone and often pass through jurisdictions where cell phone usage while driving is not legal. How can I correct this???? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!
