Assurion Replacement Nexus - 1 day old and already charging issue...
Enthusiast - Level 1

I bought a Nexus on Ebay a week ago.  Luckily, it was open enrollment for Assurion insurance, because I ended up needing to replace it.

Not that I'm convinced it was the phone, mind you...I got a fresh sim card from the Verizon Store, got great signal and call clarity.  About a hundred yards from the store, my phone signal disappeared...I still had DATA, but no ability to make or receive calls. 

Full Service restored when I got close to the Verizon store again, but I requested a new sim anyway, just to be safe.  Everything worked, left the store, and LOST PHONE SIGNAL AGAIN.  AGAIN, I had perfect 4G data, just no phone.  And AGAIN, when I returned to the store, the phone service returned.

The people at the store got fed up with trying to fix it, and washed their hands with it.  "You didn't buy it here." was basically their approach.  BUT, I was offered to insure the phone and have it replaced for free as a software defect.

I STILL maintain that a defect with the phone would NOT show a preference for proximity to a Verizon corporate store.  lol  But anyway...

My replacement has arrived.  I've had it roughly 36 hours.  It works GREAT, but charges at a snail's pace.  No matter what charger I use, it only charges about 3% per HOUR.

The only way I have kept it going is that I have two batteries...while I am sapping one, I am charging the other (with good time, btw) on an external charger.  This makes me think it's not the batteries but the phone.

I am very tired of sending out for a new replacement phone and having it not work...any ideas?

4 Replies

Same here.

I purchased a used GNEX on Ebay back in October.  After only two months, I had the problem of the charging indicator not going away after I unplugged the phone, along with rapid battery drain.  I had insurance on the phone so got a replacement two weeks ago.  After just two weeks the charging indicator issue is back.  There is definitely a problem with the USB connector on GNEX's and I have yet to hear of any solutions to this problem.

Customer Service Rep

Hello gottengen,  Let's make sure you are able to get the most out of your phone!  Was the device sent to you directly from Asurion or from our Verizon Wireless warehouse?  Did you pay a deductible to replace the device?  Have you tested different chargers with the new device?  Are both batteries charging as normal in the external charger?  If the device is defective Asurion will be handling the warranty for one year from the replacement.  I may suggest reaching out to them at 888-881-2622.  I would be happy to provide additional support if needed.  Please keep me updated on the status!

Thank you,

Follow us on Twitter @VZWsupport

Enthusiast - Level 1

They did send another replacement, and this Nexus has worked great since.

Seems like I just got a bad replacement phone.  Assurion were very courteous, as always, and the issue has been resolved.

Customer Service Rep

Awesome! That is what we like to hear gottgen!

Please let us know if you need further assistance. I am here to help!

Thank you,

Please follow us on twitter @VZWSupport
