Does Verizon care?
Enthusiast - Level 3

After reading the the forum and some other forums, does Verizon really care once you are under contract? There seems to be alot of customers who are upset with Verizon, yet no responses have been issued. They are obviously reading as if you break a rule they quickly delete or edit the post.

One of the areas they could quickly respond and correct impressions would be on the idea that the Nexus phones are supposed to updated by Google, or at least the update should be quickly released by the service provider (Verizon). The opinion among most customers is they expected the updates much quicker with a Nexus. Since Sprint already has the update out, this stands out even more.

For me, I am stuck with Verizon due to being "grandfathered" with a unlimited plan. So I will have to wait but does not mean I have to be happy.

okay, enough of my ranting back the reularly schedule program.

Does Verizon care?

55 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

They've made it crystal clear to me that they do not.  They've made a WHOLE lot of their customers very angry over this issue.  Like I've said in other posts, after their silence with the Nexus fiasco and how they're not properly dealing with the issues with this device, we'll see where they rank in the next customer satisfaction rankings.  I'm considering moving my account to a plain flip phone on their cheapest plan with no texting and no data and going back to T-Mobile.  Verizon really sux over this.

Specialist - Level 1

Well to be fair, you'll have to wait and see how quickly Sprint delivers a future update.

Yes they received an update to their new Nexus very quickly, but my Verizon Nexus received the 4.0.2 update before I left the store the day it launched.

Contributor - Level 1

Well to be really fair, pool_shark, Sprint updated their device to 4.0.4 because they quickly acknowledged the critical issues with this phone and updated it to 4.0.4.  It's not just 1 or 2 small things. I (like thousands of others) have several MAJOR problems with this phone, every single day.  VZW should quickly test and release an update ASAP so that we can all enjoy they phone.  And they certainly shouldn't just remain silent on the problems with this phone.  I hope Google has learned it's lesson that VZW doesn't deserve a Nexus device.  VZW won't even acknowledge to me that there are known problems.

If there are major problems with a phone, such as the ones the GN on 4.0.2 has (such as random reboots, losing signal, radios falling asleep, etc), then I certainly expect them to be fixed faster than if the phone has some inconveniences, such as batter drainage.

I hope Google has learned it's lesson that VZW does NOT deserve a Nexus device.

Specialist - Level 1

Why they did it is irrelevant to my point, it's just ONE update.

So again, we will have to see how quickly Sprint handles future updates before you can say they are better at it.

Contributor - Level 2

I finally had a Verizon tech tell me that most of my issues were known and a complete system update was scheduled for sometime in May. (I was also told in March and April, respectfully,l that software updates were scheduled), I'm getting tired of waiting....that is one of the main reasons I bought this phone...

Enthusiast - Level 3

Okay people, to make things clear, Verizon is lying through their teeth on this issue. These are the facts:

1. Samsung's Involvement:

Samsung is merely the hardware provider of the Galaxy Nexus, which means that they have NOTHING to do with the 4.0.4 update, especially its distribution. This is why every time the VZW "customer service" rep directs you to Samsung, they have no idea and just send you back to Verizon. I actually feel bad for Samsung, because they are a very good company that has produced a brilliant piece of hardware, and is now being made a scapegoat by a dishonest telecommunications company that is only trying to cover its own (profane word for buttocks here).

2. Who is really to blame:

Some people will blame Google, but remember this: each Nexus phone has been (essentially) a beta tester for the next version of Android. This means that every Nexus phone owner should expect bugs initially. The bugs are Google's fault, but Google has done everything they can to fix the issue in ICS 4.0.4. So that means that culpability rests solely on Verizon for not distributing it. There is no reason that an update VITAL to the functionality of a high end smartphone should be withheld for more than a month--4.0.4 was launched March 29th--from its customers. There is especially no reason why a company like Sprint--who only just received the Nexus on April 22nd--should have already pushed said update to its customers before a company like Verizon--who has had the phone for 5 months--does. Blame Verizon people, blame them HARD.

3. Why they are doing this to us:

Don't kid yourselves, people, we are stuck in the middle of a power struggle between Verizon and Google. This whole power struggle, as many already know, is centered around a little app called Google Wallet. Never once has a service provider fought so hard to prevent its customers from getting an application, especially one created by the OS's developers. This is all because of greed and control. Verizon is coming out with their own wallet app next year, and doesn't want it to have to compete with Google's product, probably because it won't be nearly as good. To date, I have yet to see Verizon app (besides Backup Assistant, which is good) that can hold a candle to its Google equivalent. In fact, in the month that I have had my Nexus, I haven't downloaded a single VZW app. You will probably all recall the failure of the paid VZ Navigator service in the midst of the free (and IMO much better) Google Maps Navigation. Verizon knows this, and is blocking this update as a little temper tantrum, I'm sure. This kind of power struggle has happened before, and was the reason why Verizon didn't get the iPhone for years, despite being contacted by Apple before AT&T. Verizon didn't want to allow a phone that had its own applications (and app store) onto its network, and as a result Apple went to AT&T. At the time, there was no other smartphone with that kind of backing, so Verizon wanted to keep their hold on their mobile app market. It wasn't until Verizon started to see customers leaving for AT&T and its iPhone that it finally allowed the Apple iPhone onto its services. Just look at your Nexus. You have to look really hard to find Verizon Wireless anywhere on the phone. When you turn it on, Google. On the homescreen, Google. The only places you ever see Verizon Wireless is at the lock screen and in the notification menu in tiny little letters (I'm ignoring the back of the phone because that is a Samsung thing). Verizon is trying to take a Google phone and make it their own, which is stupid. Verizon is a telecommunications provider, not a software or hardware company. If Verizon would just do their job and let software companies like Google write the... uhh... software, and stop trying to control what apps its customers have access to, we can all be happy and have our awesome GOOGLE phones and enjoy our great Verizon reception and mobile data. Nobody would be complaining, or sending complaints to the FCC (I did), and both companies would be left to do what they are good at. Verizon, you are a TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROVIDER, NOT GOD.

While I could rant much more about this issue, I'm worried that any more ranting will provoke an unacceptable level of profanity (its been nearly impossible to avoid it thus far), so I will stop.

But on a side note, all of you please take the time to file a complaint with the FCC about this issue, and be sure to include all of the facts to can in their silly 1000chr form. While Verizon may not care about its customer's experience, they will have to when the Fed comes a-knockin'.


Personally, I fell The FEDS will not give a flying fig about an OS update to a phone.

Off topic comment, The new mentality where if one does not get their way, so let's have the government hold our hand and spoon feed them will soon kill this country.



Enthusiast - Level 3

Its not the OS update they should care about because they can't do anything about it. It is the dishonesty and utter lack of timely and effective customer service they will care about. And watch the generalizations you make about people on here. Just because I want the cellphone company that I diligently pay a contract to to do their job properly doesn't mean that I am part of this 'new mentality you speak of'. And the fact of the matter is that Verizon's corporate structure is clearly so divided from the people you actually get to speak to and interact with, the only way to send a message IS to try to get the government involved. And besides, I am merely asking the FCC to do their job in investigating this situation, I'm not asking for a handout here. The FCC's job is to regulate commercial media and communications. This problem has very much to do with their regulation of communications, because the largest cellular service provider in the nation is severely mistreating its customers. So don't assume that by going to the proper authorities in this situation I am breaking the back of our country, because you only make yourself look ignorant.

Contributor - Level 1

I agree with ssracing411.  Very well said!  I already filed my complaint with the FCC.  If everyone else would too, it will get noticed.

Contributor - Level 1

I'm onboard guys! Well file tomorrow.

Enthusiast - Level 3

FINALLY!!!! Someone who is well versed & informed!!!

Your answer may not have been listed as the, "Helpful Answer" but it is by far the most accurate.

Specialist - Level 1

Verizon doesn't give out any information whatsoever. They feel that giving out any information is against their corporate policy, so none is given.

It would be nice for them to give us realistic expectations of when an update might go out.

There is also the anti competition problem with Google Wallet. They claim that it is a security issue, but the only security issue that they have is the security of the competing phone wallet that they want to implement. But they do not want to see Google Wallet succeed on their network because they want to roll out a competing product next year. So they have a vested interest in not allowing Google Wallet.

Then you can also look at the delay of the phone launch itself. Verizon delayed the phone at least two months before releasing it. Even Samsung said that the launch was in Verizon's court way before the official launch.

So Verizon doesn't have a good history with the Galaxy Nexus. It would not surprise me that this will be the only Nexus device that Verizon will ever get again.

Verizon does care...................................................... about the money that they get from you.... that is about it

Contributor - Level 1

I think you may have hit the nail on the head, curtterp.  I filed a complaint with the FCC last week.  Hopefully others will follow.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I spoke with a VW customer service rep, 3 days ago - and she told me that she is unaware of ANY plans AT ALL to send out a 4.0.4 update. I repeat, there are no plans whatsoever on Verizon's behalf to update the 4.0.2 Nexus'. I then emailed Samsung customer service and they replied that THEY do not have a software update in the works either, but if I go through their troubleshooting process with their rep, and if the issues with my Nexus aren't resolved, they will then POSSIBLY arrange for me to send my phone to them for a "repair." Ugggh . . . I am experiencing the data signal issues, mic cut-outs during calls, random reboots, random force closes - - pretty much all of the same issues that everyone else is experiencing, yet VW and Samsung act like they've never heard of these issues.

I know there are smaller issues like the hesitating landscape mode change, and others and I can deal with the small stuff. But when it comes down to it, I paid for a phone and am paying for a monthly data plan that I can hardly use. I had the original Nov. 2009 Droid and was getting a great 3G signal at home and at my desk at work. Right now with the Nexus I consistently get NO signal at all. Furthermore, I'm hoping that I'm never in a situation where I need to call 911 for an emergency only to find that my mic cut out.

Dear Verizon Wireless moderator: Where are you now? You seem to be on top of things when it comes to censoring blogs, yet offer no help with regard to these extremely important issues that we're all experiencing,

Enthusiast - Level 2

All you can say is I feel like Verizon is blocking the GNEXUS google experience this phone was supposed to have. The reason I bought it.  They may update the Razor before the Nexus.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Do they care? It remains to be seen.

Verizon Wireless wants to reduce the amount of credits issued to customers for things like usage charges (minutes/text/data overages). 


In fact, they could do this quite simply and easily by introducing an OPTIONAL "overage protection" feature on ALL plans: On voice plans, overage protection could be triggered when overage amount exceeds $10.00, backdating an additional 225 minutes to single line plans and 350 minutes to shared plans for a $10.00 fee (charged only when the feature is triggered), and adding more minutes bundles each time overage exceeds the $10.00 threshold.

For texting plans, the overage protection feature could be triggered when texting overage exceeds $5, backdating an additional 250 text messages and charging a $5.00 fee for each additional text bundle.

For domestic data overages exceeding $15, the overage protection feature could backdate 150 megabytes for a $15 fee, adding additional 150 megabyte bundles as the $15 threshold is crossed.

Global data overages could trigger a backdated 250 megabyte bundle for $25, adding additional 250 megabyte bundles as needed.

Credits could also be reduced by making 5 "Friends and Family" numbers available to ALL voice plans (including legacy and loyalty plans), at a level of 5 "F&F" numbers per line on shared plans and 5 "F&F" numbers on single line plans.

Optional Automatic Overage Protection would also make any Nationwide plans besides the 450 single line and 700 shared plans unnecessary, eliminating the 900 single line and 1400 and 2000 minute shared plans. This would also reinforce the value of the Unlimited plans.

The Optional Automatic Overage Protection Feature could be the feature that keeps customers from leaving Verizon for other carriers.

Another way to maintain customer goodwill, and reduce the amount of calls necessary for usage adjustments, would be to fix the '"self-serve" options at the website (which is the glitchiest, least user-friendly website I have ever had to use; a disgrace for a company with Verizon's resources). Make "backdating" the default option for plans and feature changes when going to a more expensive choice, and "future dating" for less expensive choices, and make "on-demand" changes the deliberate, optional choice, instead of having "on-demand" being the default self-serve choice.

Do they care? Do they want to retain customers, yet reduce the amount of credits issued for usage overages? We'll see.

Enthusiast - Level 1

verizion charges you $249 for phone extender, all other providers give it for free if your service is poor at home I HAVE 2 OF THEM FROM OTHER PROVIDERS, AND THEY WERE FREE.. yes i agree what a rip off and they don't care.unless it involves your pocket book..bout had it with this service. i had way better offers and loyolty with AT&T


verizon must have gone thru some fundamental changes in the last several year....(to big 4 their britches!) i advise jumping ship ASAP... that is when u CAN ...<< Edited to comply with   >>

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

Specialist - Level 1

I think it is a mistake, albeit a common one, to fault a company for not "caring" when the corporate structure is just that: structured [with respect to specifically designated, unfeeling processes (A->B; A1->B1; A2->B2)] to maximize profits, which is an indicator of success within the respective industry. In the company, of course, are individuals who are able to enact free will within the corporate structure, inasmuch as they are able. The benefit here is that companies do not have the ability to create a "hive mind" presence, which allows free will to bypass the structure of the company's guidelines. With that being said, it would be incorrect to use terms like "caring" for any for-profit institution and would even be incorrect to use it as a means to define the general opinion of the people who work with the company or any company for that manner.
