Fascinate will play on your HDTV with Google TV
Contributor - Level 1

If this is old information sorry for wasting your time, but it is new to me. I recently purchased a Logitech Revue kit that installs Google TV in your HDTV. Basically it connects your TV to the internet and you can surf the internet and more on a big screen. There is more but my reason for posting is that for the first time ever my Fascinate now can be connected in high definition to my TV and play my Pictures, Videos and Music directly from my phone to TV wirelessly using the Allshare app on the Fascinate.


Also I discovered that my Windows 7 computer will also play/display my Pictures/Videos/Music thru Windows Media Player using Allshare to link, no wires. To me this is an exciting and new experience, especially the playing my Fascinate's media files on my TV without any old HDMI cable which we all know does not work on our phones anyway.

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