Galaxy Nexus Update....
Enthusiast - Level 2

Just got off the phone with an upper level tech support lady from verizon. According to her comments the update is very close she said, possibly even tomorrow or this week yet, she said. In turn she was aware of most all the issues, that it has had , and the software update is to address them all. One other note she assured me that the updates are coming right from samsung. For whats its worth, this is the latest info i have gotten.My main issue is keeping a signal to make and recieve calls. Lets all hope this is true, all i can say.

8 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

The updates are not coming from Samsung, she is obviously lying. The only reason the update has not come out yet is because of the added Verizon bloatware that came native on their version of the Galaxy Nexus. I have no idea why people would ever think the manufacturer of the device would have anything to do with when the software gets pushed OTA.

Specialist - Level 2

because the manufcaters do? apple, moto and htc do for sure, i'm sure samsung does as well

Enthusiast - Level 2

When there is a UI layered over android yes. The Nexus runs vanilla (or as close to it as you can get on big red) ICS, i.e. Samsung has nothing to do with when updates are pushed (no senseUI, motoblur, etc). It's all Google (who is ready/has already released) and Verizon (who is still "beta-testing" 4.0.4 with their bloatware).


Enthusiast - Level 2

Oh and wrt Apple, did you ever think that they're in control of pushing updates because they're both the manufacturer of the hardware AND the software?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Just relaying my lastest info i recieved. Who pushes the updates, never really mattered to me, just saying,, as long as we get them and it helps all of us that have these issues of one sort or another. Anyhow, with the store employee rummor supposedly showing the mentioned update ,,and now being told the update is very close,,,Well just possibly it may soon be.

Specialist - Level 2

she said that to get you off the phone and be in a good mood incase you get a survey. There is no releasedate slated

but good luck

Enthusiast - Level 2

Oh i know, in the month and a half ive owned the galaxy nexus,,,,ive called back at least twice a week,,,,Ive heard a different story every time.


Why do you toy with your loyal customers Verizon??? You provide a product that everyone wants then you do nothing to support us!! We who have bought the Galaxy Nexus have been waiting patiently for the update to 4.0.4 and nothing!! People who bought theirs on Sprint have received the update later that day! I know having a cell phone is a privilege and I could have gone with any carrier but I wanted to go with the best company (I thought this 10 years ago) Now, like many others I am thinking about dropping you because I feel more like dollar sign to you more that a person and a customer. I know you will not miss me because when I go there will be others who will come to your company and as you sit and read this and laugh and probably call all your co-workers to your cubical and laugh I do not care, you should reread what you have on your site and here it is

Why a Verizon Promise?

Creating a great company -- and a great brand -- boils down to two simple things:

Making the right promises

Keeping them

You are failing at both.....

Thank you for reading my rant if you you made it down to the end. I really do find you best but now I think the best has lost it's way and who made them them the best!!!
