Launcher information needed
Enthusiast - Level 3

Ok so I have been hearing allot about ADW and Launcher pro.  My fascinate comes with the TWLauncher and that is cool but I wonder if I might like another launcher? 


Can any of you fascinate owners who have changed your launcher tell me some pros and cons to doing so? 


And also, say I don't like Launcher pro or ADW, can I get my original TWLauncher back? 


I watched a guy on you tube clear the data for the TW Launcher and then add the launcher pro.  But he kept turning his phone in the video which didn't allow me to see how that was done.  I don't want to completely delete the tw Launcher.  I just want to see what all the buzz is about with the other options.


Can you guys offer some input here?

6 Replies
Master - Level 2

It's a secondary launcher and doesn't replace the stock Touchwiz launcher.  Download Launcher Pro or ADW Launcher (both free) and after it's installed, hit the home button.  This will give you an option to choose TW Launcher or a secondary launcher.  Anytime you hit the home button, you'll receive that option unless you check the box that says "set as default".  If you check that box and decide you want to revert back, you can either uninstall the 3rd party launcher or go into settings-applications-Manage Applications and select the launcher you currently have as default and hit the button that says "clear defaults".  When you hit the home button again, you'll get the option to choose which one you want.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Wow.  Ok so I will give that a try.  Do you use a launcher?  If so, why and what are the real benefits?

Master - Level 2

I bounce back between touchwiz and adw.  ADW still gives you the option of a horizontal sliding app drawer like stock but has a lot of other little things that makes it nice.  You can have 5 icons at the bottom and there's a hidden app drawer behind those that give you 6 more.  It's also snappier on transitioning between screens since it has a lot of customization options.  It also has the SenseUI  style preview where you pinch your fingers together on the homescreen and it'll show thumbnails of all your screens.


The one bad thing is that you can't access the touchwiz specific widgets (buddies now, daily breefing, feed/updates, etc) on a 3rd party launcher but the paid versions of launcher pro and ADW have their own.

Contributor - Level 3

I use ADW right now.


The main advantage to using either ADW or Laucher Pro, aside from the customization of your home screens and icons, is the scrolling speed if you have it set to scroll vertically by row instead of horizontally by page.


I have used Launcher Pro in the past, and it's just as good as ADW.  I mainly am using ADW though for some of the free themes.


Here's an idea of what ADW with one of the themes might look like.  I changed my wallpaper and used the matching colored theme.


Contributor - Level 3

Oh, I almost forgot.  Two advantages that Launcher Pro has over ADW and Touch Wiz (other than speed over TW) are the following:


1. You can set it so your get notified on each icon when you get an email, text, or missed call/voice mail.  This can be with the others by downloading widgets for that feature, but on TW, those new icons are always a little off the line.  Anyway, just thought I'd mention that since I just remembered.


2. Launcher Pro is easier to customize than the other two.  Earlier, I had mentioned that ADW had some nice themes.  So does Laucher Pro.  But if you ever get the inclination to try to create your own theme, all that's required are the right pictures, and you're set.  No need to download special apps to create theme packs.


One downside to Launcher Pro compared to ADW is that you have to pay to be able to re-size widgets or change application icons.  On ADW, that feature is included free of charge.


Anyway, good luck deciding.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks for the information.  I may explore these more. 
