MMS messaging problems after jellybean update.
Contributor - Level 1

I am having issues sending and receiving any MMS messages since the update.  If I send one it appears on the phone that it was sent.  I have questioned several people and they do not receive them.  Also I have had several people send me pictures and messages that I do not receive.  I have checked the settings and can not find what is causing the problems.  Also not receiving all my calls.  It's random.  Sometimes the phone will ring normally and sometimes it doesn't ring or show that I have missed a call.  Any suggestions? 

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello to you Kabull!

Getting the newest update is always exciting, but I definitely don't want you to experience any difficulties! I will be delighted to provide some suggestions to help out!

It seems to me that both issues may actually be related. Generally when a phone doesn't ring or show a missed call and you aren't able to send/receive messages you may not be experiencing a solid connection to the network.

I would start small and highly recommend leaving your phone on, pull the battery out, pull the sim card out. Leave everything apart for about 10 seconds and put everything back together.  This will cause your phone to "reprogram" or update. 

Let us know how this goes!


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Community Leader

I'm going to have to try this myself as well. I'm beginning to notice that for one of my contacts I'm not being notified of receiving their text messages or their phone calls will ring on my side. I won't get a notification that I missed the call either and don't know about it until the voicemail indicator is in the notification bar.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


I'm also having this issue after updating to Jelly Bean. I've pulled my battery and SIM card and now I'm getting a 1x connection in a 3G area.
