No service when streaming Pandora?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm wondering if this is Froyo-related, not Froyo-related, Fascinate-related or Verizon FUBAR.


Yesterday afternoon I accompanied my mother to a doctor's appointment.  When we sat down in the waiting room, my phone was completely charged and I had (3G) service.  My sister-in-law sent me a PIX of my nephew.


Mom went back to the exam room, I connected to the free hospital wireless and began streaming Pandora while I read a book on my eink NOOK.  (So not the NOOK app on the phone.)  About 20 minutes later, Pandora stopped and I had no data.  I had no phone service, disconnecting/reconnecting to wireless did nothing, turning off/on Mobile Data did nothing, turning the phone off/on did nothing. (I did all of this multiple times and left things alone for at least a minute before trying something else.  I did not pull the battery because I didn't feel like performing surgery in the waiting room.  :smileytongue:)


I could still open Apps, could still use any that had completely local data.  But the Weatherbug widget had a "getting info" message for the next hour plus.  Youtube showed an error message.  Pandora wouldn't respond even to open.  I switched over to the stock Music Player and listened to the mp3s on my phone locally and didn't worry about it.


More than an hour later when I was taking Mom from the doctor to the testing center, I heard my email notification bonging from my handbag.  Once we got in and the nurse took her back, I pulled out my phone and it was fine again.


I have never had something like this happen before and wonder if it was just a service disruption, if it was related to some kind of argument Pandora was having with my phone or with Froyo or if I should just chalk it up to a weird one-off and not worry about it.  I don't care that something FUBARed once, but really don't want to lose an hour plus of connectivity regularly, KWIM.  I guess I'm just asking if this is likely to be some sort of "issue" or just a random weird, only happen to me, ONCE, kind of thing.


(If it is something I did or wrong with my phone, what is it likely to be, what should I avoid doing, etc... ?)

2 Replies

It is possible that there was a service outage in the area at the time, interference from the building, interference from electrical equipment within the hospital, interference from atmospheric conditions, etc...


All kinds of reasons that you had lost service. No way to know which one it was.


In several areas of hospitals, there are signs that request no cellphones. This is so that RF from cellphones does not interfere with hospital equipment. What they don't say is that hospital equipment is just as likely to interfere with cellphone signals. Additionally, just because you are not in an area that does not request this, does not mean that hospital equipment will not interfere with your cellphone signal.

Enthusiast - Level 2


rcschnoor wrote:


All kinds of reasons that you had lost service. No way to know which one it was.


In several areas of hospitals, there are signs that request no cellphones. This is so that RF from cellphones does not interfere with hospital equipment. What they don't say is that hospital equipment is just as likely to interfere with cellphone signals. Additionally, just because you are not in an area that does not request this, does not mean that hospital equipment will not interfere with your cellphone signal.

Would this explain the Wifi not working, too?  I was able to connect to the Wifi with my NOOK so I know it didn't go down.  My phone could no longer use it, though. 

