Tired of working with Verizon on a phone that does not work. FASCINATE.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Since I got my fascinate a six months ago I have had nothing but problems.. At this point in time, I don't get phone calls and can't make phone calls, I don't get text messages either at all or not for hours later and the ones I send people are not getting for hours and hours later, and when I send a text it keeps coming back not sent. And it drops my calls when I can get it to work.  So Verizon's solution is to replace this phone now twice and send me an extender box free..(By the way my phone doesn't work anywhere it is not just an at home issue) ..So I am sitting right next to this powerful extender box which cost $250.00 if you were to buy it and I am not getting a phone call, text message and can't make a call or send a text message..Box working real good. 


I don't know I am paying $175.00 a month for three phones and I can't use mine at all. 


If VERIZON don't get it fixed this week...I'M DONE.. Being jerked around with "Oh lets do this reset or that one and lets send you another phone. I have not had service for 6 months but I have been paying my bill for the last 6 months.. 


So anyone else have these issues?  And if you did and got an new phone (droid incredible 2 or charge) which one worked better for you?  Thanks.. 

26 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

rb20 wrote:

Oh and I should mention, I'm on Fascinate number 2, and was told they'll send me another Fascinate.  2 phones with the EXACT SAME ISSUES, do you really think I want another phone that won't work!?

You would think it now Verizon would step up and offer all its fascinate users a way of exchanging their phones in for a replacement, even it means an early upgrade, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why would they is beyond me, I guess they really do not care about their customers, so I assume the most of us when our contract is up will be looking for other carriers to do business with.

I completely agree with everything you said!! My Samsung Fascinate is constantly dropping calls, not sending texts, and the 3g is basically non-existent!! spent so long on the phone with verizon today (the customer service representative was trying to be very helpful and was  friendly) but absolutely nothing came out of it except the suggestion to do a factory reset. now i've spent the last 3 hours trying to get all my apps and settings back, but i still have 0-1 bars. it's taken about an hour to download 3 apps, and i had a LOT of apps and nicely organized into folders too (all of that is gone). i literally have only been using my phone for about 50/1400 min that my fam plan includes (in total we use about 200 minutes a month, we're definitely overpaying), but verizon is NOT helping with the phone situation even after saying that other fascinate users are experiencing these problems. i thought verizon was supposed to provide good service, except now i'm paying twice as much as i did with t-mobile but i'm not even able to make phone calls, send texts, or use the internet. (not to mention that my phone freezes at least once a day, requiring me to take off the backing and remove the battery).

Did you end up finding a fix for you phone?? I'm hearing that the software upgrade was bad for this phone... Also not sure whether it's an upgrade issue  (my phone hasn't been able to "find" an update in the last 10 months..so i'm on an old version) is anyone else experiencing this as well? I know there's a software update, and my dad with the same phone is able to update, but my phone says "No New Software Update Available".

Any advice anyone?? I'm so extremely frustrated with Verizon..

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is the reason I will be changing phones and service on 2/23/13 (contract is up)

I have done the online chat with both verizon and samsung, and sent emails to both about my issues with the fascinate. Both had canned responses and claimed they had NO OTHER COMPLAINTS on these issues! I informed them all they had to do was do a google search on these issues and they would find hundreds of complaints. Not to mention here in their own forums!

If I am going to have a bad phone and even worse customer service, I'm not going to pay $115 a month for it. I will go pay $45 at straightalk or cricket for that kind of service and treatment.

Sure Verizon can talk a big talk about most coverage and fastest speeds but it does customers no good if they can't get their phones to work then get the run around when they make the issues known to their carrier.

Enthusiast - Level 3

What issues are you having?  There's a bunch of us who own the Fascinate without any problems.  We love the phone.  Your best resource is probably people like us who own the phones.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

Twice all my contacts were deleted, my battery gets hot and shuts the phone off, the phone freezes up and i have to take the battery out and restart the phone, sometimes it shows the battery is dead but when i plug it in it shows full power, shall i go on?

I appreciate your offer to help, I just expect the people i'm paying, the people who created the phone or the people being paid to do customer service to know these answers. Not pretend they have never heard of these issues and tell me I'm the FIRST complaint they have had about the issues when clearly there have been many complaints in their own forums and in forums all over the net.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Sure..let it all hang out.  I hear ya though.  I went through all that jazz when I first got my smart phone.  In fairness to VZW,  the reps provide tech support for ALL of the VZW phones.  That's a lot to know.  As for your problems, most of the 3G and 4G phone batteries run hot, especially if you're working with large apps. I have a double-case on mine so the phone only feels warm..even with using it all day long.  However,  if I'm to take the case off and it's charging, it does get hot.  Some have reported if they went from using the camera to a large app, their battery would get hot and shutdown the phone.  Once they started closing out of the camera, the problem went away.  I use the stock app Task Manager several times a day.  I clear out the RAM and will exit out of excess active applications.  Seems to keep my phone purring.   As for the contacts disappearing, are you using Verizon's back-up assistant?  If not, definately worthy.  A touch of a button will get them all back.  Again, some have had issues with using the market app Handcent and / or syncing to Facebook. Obviously I can't say that all of the Fascinate phones are mint, they're mechanical afterall, but the majority of the complaints I read are related to people not knowing the phone & not getting any help in resolving the problems.
