Voicemail alert!
Enthusiast - Level 2

Is there an audible voicemail alert for the Fascinate? I never knew I had a voicemail message from earlier today till I happened to check my voicemail by chance. On my old LG Versa a screen popped up to alert me of a new voicemail and it made a sound as well. I didn't notice anything like that on my Fascinate. It seems that if you don't remember to check your voicemail box daily, the phone will not remind you.


Am I missing something? Is there a way to have the phone alert me when I receive a voicemail message?


I apologize if this question has been asked before.

2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

When you get a voicemail, there will be a little icon in the top part of your phone telling you that you have a voicemail message.  To be honest, I can't remember if you get some type of alert initially, but you don't get an alert later on.


I asked this same question on this forum when I first got my phone.  It was recommended that I download an app called "Missed Call."  If you want this, make sure you download the one called "Missed Call for Android 2.x" and not the one that is just called "Missed Call." 


This allows you to set up ringtones or beeps to alert you when you have missed a call, text or picture message, or voicemail.  You can set specific ringtones or beeps for each one, and you can also set the frequency at which you will hear the ringtone or beep (say, for example, every 20 minutes) until you view the missed call or message.  There is also a feature that allows you to color code icons (for lack of a better word) that will come across your phone to let you know you have a missed call or message.  For example, you can set missed calls to show a blue icon on your screen.  I do not have that option turned on.  I just use the ringtone part to save battery usage.


I, like you, wanted something to alert me like I had on my old phone.  I don't always have my phone with me at all times (mostly at work), so I didn't want to always have to look at my phone every time I came back into the office.  I was perfectly content with receiving a ringtone or beep.


I would look into this and try it out.  It also lets you save your settings to your sd card in case something happens and you lose your settings on your phone.


Hope this helps.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you very much for the help. I will give that a try.
