Your thoughts on the Nexus? (Upgrade advice appreciated)

Contributor - Level 2

Hello everyone,

I currently have a droid charge ("upgraded" from a Blackberry tour) and I'm looking into a new phone.  I know every forum has their group of users that hate their phone, have serious complaints with them, known issues with the phone, etc but I was hoping to get some feedback on how your experiences with the Nexus have been, advantages/disadvantages, would you recommend it, alternate phone suggestions, etc. 

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

9 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

The screen is pretty. The phone is bad.  Speakers don't work, Microphones don't work half the time, and verizon customer service will just send you a refurb when it breaks even though you paid for a new phone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Your car's transmission breaks. You're in warranty. The dealer puts in a brand new transmission?  NOT. Dealer puts in refurbished transmission.

Contributor - Level 2

I see your point but it definitely depends on how early it breaks.  If I pay for a new phone and get a refurb within a month or two, I could've just saved my money up front and got a refurb.  Since I paid full price and it's THEIR product that broke, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a new phone (especially since their refurb phones all seem to have different issues).

For comparison though, cars aren't sold or marketed the same way as phones.  When you buy a car, you buy (or get a loan) for the full amount and it's fully yours.  You own it, you're responsible for it, it's not subsidized by the company and you're not under contract for it.  If something breaks on a car, they replace the PART, whereas in phones, they just give you someone else's broken phone (which is not guaranteed to work either and there are MANY stories about that all over the forums.  I think the story would be different if each phone was put through rigorous tests prior to being sent out as a "replacement").  I don't think if a car broke and they just gave you someone else's car with different problems that would fly. 

Like I said, I see what you're trying to say, but it's comparing apples to golf carts. 


boobdole wrote:

I see your point but it definitely depends on how early it breaks.  If I pay for a new phone and get a refurb within a month or two, I could've just saved my money up front and got a refurb.  Since I paid full price and it's THEIR product that broke, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a new phone (especially since their refurb phones all seem to have different issues).

For comparison though, cars aren't sold or marketed the same way as phones.  When you buy a car, you buy (or get a loan) for the full amount and it's fully yours.  You own it, you're responsible for it, it's not subsidized by the company and you're not under contract for it.  If something breaks on a car, they replace the PART, whereas in phones, they just give you someone else's broken phone (which is not guaranteed to work either and there are MANY stories about that all over the forums.  I think the story would be different if each phone was put through rigorous tests prior to being sent out as a "replacement").  I don't think if a car broke and they just gave you someone else's car with different problems that would fly. 

Like I said, I see what you're trying to say, but it's comparing apples to golf carts. 

They are SOLD exactly the same way.  That contract you signed with Verizon for subsidization is no different than taking out a car loan to buy a car.  See Class Action lawsuit against Verizon back in 1998 for references.  You don't own the car until you pay off that note, and you don't really own your phone until the contract ends.  The only difference between the two is a Bank will take the car, and Verizon will charge you based on what was subsidized and how long you honored your contract.

Funny thing about it.  Some people will have problems no matter what is sold.  Mass production is never 100% fool proof and not everything will always work out of the box.  There is this thing with the internet that most people who have problems and make it sound much larger than what it really is.  People who have no problems will rarely if not ever say anything on the about it unless specifically asked about it.  No company can ever account for everything, and no person let alone a manufacturing company is perfect.  Since we are not perfect how can we expect everything we buy to be perfect when imperfect people are building these devices.


shagg wrote:

Your car's transmission breaks. You're in warranty. The dealer puts in a brand new transmission?  NOT. Dealer puts in refurbished transmission.

If they don't have a refurbished in stock they'll put in a brand new one.  Much like if your distributor goes out.  They have their own contract deals with refurbishing companies.  They just look new...  Buy a TV and you will get a refurbished item as well in a new box. 

Shagg is on the money...

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes, the screen is pretty at first glance. After using it for a few months, I can't help but notice a slight graininess to it. It's just not as sharp as it should be. Also, if I look at the glare on the screen, I can see the machine marks on it from the manufacturing process.

At this point, I can't recommend the phone, nor will I recommend an Android device to any of my friends. My phone rebooted twice yesterday within an hour, just while listening to music. The keyboard is glitchy and battery life (even with the extended battery) is terrible. Also, the speaker volume is much too quiet.

I had an iPhone for a short time but didn't like how constrained I felt by the OS. However, I'll take that over random reboots next time. This phone, at least for me, was a mistake that I have to live with for the next 2 years.


Apparently I'm one of the luckiest GNex owners on the planet and I got it on release day.  There have been some questions about Korean vs Chinese manufacture.  Mine is Korean.  When I received my phone, I had the random reboot issues, but the first OTA fixed that.  I had intermittent 4G, so I loaded Android 4.04 on my phone about two months ago and I have not had a single problem.  No dropped calls, no camera issues, no microphone issues etc...  It would be great if it rang louder, but I say that about most phones.  It is the best android phone that I've owned (previous phones: rooted DroidX and Droid Eris).  For everyone who is complaining about now being stuck with their GNex, I say take matters into your own hands, do a little research and upgrade it your self.

Enthusiast - Level 2

No complaints here at all. Have never had any issues with this phone, battery life isn't as bad as people make it out to be.   Never had a random reboot.  Installing a badly coded app from the market will kill battery life, just read the reviews on an app before you install.  As far as the speaker volume goes just install Volume+, it allows you to increase the volume on the speakers, headset and bluetooth beyond the stock volume.  You can do more with this phone than any other phone on Verizon (Android, Apple or Blackberry), if you like to tinker and want to learn about Android.  My guess is that he people complaining about the phone haven't done much research on Android and don't know the full power of an open Android device.

Contributor - Level 2

I bought the phone because it was  Nexus phone. The first one, which I picked up at a flagship Verizon store, had wonky radios. Whenever I turned off wifi, the phone had a LOT of trouble locking on to a 3G or 4G signal. I live in an area with strong 3G and 4G. I exchanged it 2 weeks later and the radios were even worse. A few weeks after that I called Verizon and let them know that the phone essentially didn't work unless it was on wifi. They offered to send a Certified Like New replacement since I was out of the 2 week exchange window. I told them I paid $650 for the phone, they said it didn't matter, I was out of the two week window. I thought that was really poor, but he third phone (certified like new) replacement and it has worked well. Based on that, I would say that if you get the phone it will likely be good, especially after the soon coming 4.0.5 software update which updates the radios as well as a bunch of other bug fixers. The phone, is amazingly fast and battery life for me is not bad, especially on wifi. 4G can chew through the battery. The screen is vivid and large. My only real disappointment at this point is that Verizon has been slow with the software upgrades.
