missing text messages

I have the latest software on my fascinate 2.2.2

Also the latest ED05 update.


I have been doing fine until the last week.

Now I am not receiving some text.


Not until the sender told me in person a day later that they had sent me a text did I know about it.

I dug into the issue and logged into my Verizon account.

My usage logs actually show where the text went through the verizon system, but they never arrived on my phone.


Reception is not an issue as I am a Resident physician and was on call this past weekend.  So I had to stay in the same room all day this weekend that has 5 bars of reception.


Seeing as I depend on these text, something has to be done.  When i'm on call the Emergency room text me to have me help when a trauma arrives.  This is bad for everyone when I miss the text!


I have already done everything I have seen on these forums.


I have done soft resets...hard resets...factory resets.  I have dialed the number to update my roaming or whatever it is...and the missed text continue. 


I need this fixed ASAP!  Please help!

5 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

Same thing on my sons phone

Just started to happen was not happening a week ago




been happening to me for about 3 weeks...customer service said they did not know of it happening to anyone else

Contributor - Level 3

Happenning to my wifes Fascinate as well.


Right in our house..  I sent her a text.  phone never made noise/vibrated..nothing..

Message log on phone shows no text message received.

Plenty of signal..Tower less than a mile away.


Verizon website usage log shows me sending AND her phone receiving BUT the phone

never got the test message !!  


I say she gets 90% to 95% of her texts.  Others are off in limbo ....somewhere...


Phone has been factory reset and has ED05 on it.  Very few market apps..no games at all.

No launchers.   ( google maps, usa today and espn sports news...thats it  )


I'm in the Missing Call / Text Club.... as well as the Home/Menu/Back/Search light "seizures".

Running ED05, did the soft resets, recently did a Hard reset & had to reload everything (thanks VZW).

Battery pulls.....etc, etc, etc.

Guess what....NO CHANGE.


I have a Verizon tower at my work-site, as well as signal booster in building, so no signal issues here.


Have all of the Fascinate "Glitches", wasn't aware of the replacement "Policy" until after it ended (Nice communication with your Customers Verizon).

Have already had phone replaced.

Battery is loosing life due to high battery drain (when not using phone)...thanks Verizon for 2.2.

30 days to go before my Warranty runs out, and Verizon will do NOTHING for us.


When is VZW Customer Support going to provide some positive service to people?


Sorry, but I'm beyond **bleep** at this point.


Verizon has no ... to force Samsung to step-up and swap for non-Fascinates......Issues were NOT resolved with ED05, "Special Policy" should STILL be in-effect.

I'd like a different phone (non-Fascinate of coarse) before my Warranty expires......not holding my breath.


They have no issues sitting back & either (1) Letting peoples Warranty expire, &/or (2) Waiting for contract to expire, hoping you will swap into a different phone for 2 more years of free money.......


VZW....I'd like a response.


[Edited to comply with Terms of Service]


Very much agreed.


A good point that you make is the " Home/Menu/Back/Search light "seizures"

I have been getting these as well.


Actually today I had my fascinate sitting on a table next to me.  All of a sudden the phone went into a vibrate frenzy.  Just started vibrating in odd patterns.  I really noticed this because I could hear it vibrate on the wooden table. I turn on the screen to find nothing to be notified about.  I guess it just freaked for a moment.


I would almost take any other phone at this point unless Verizon and Samsung can do something to fix all these issues!

