samsung crapante


So some history on you guys wanting to spend your hard money on verizon and or the crapante(fascinate).  DONT DO IT, the phone is just as bad as the customer service.  once they get your money its all over they own you....... Im on my 4th samsung crapante in 1 1/2 months!!!!!!!!!!!   first one was with in the 30 day whatever whatever, second third an fourth are all reburbs, nice to know you have a 2yr screwtract(contract) and the first 30 days is your only chance to get a new phone cause their you get a refurb after paying good money for a new, yep come an get it.........many issues i'll blame verizon and samsung the phone has BAD feed back noise in the ear piece, all my 3 phones did it........(oh well were sorry to hear that sir, have to done a hard restart? etc etc, we can overnite another reburb phone with the same issues)   they say these are checked and like new BULLSH*T, hold your ground guys.   Another issue is the battery, hmmmm lets think, he had 3 phones never once got a new battery(maybe thats my problem) these devices are alot more prone to damage from the battery, ex. cell issues, over/undercharge etc.               Now to customer service, if you guys dont get anything from this then get this, STAY AWAY i have never been treated so bad in my life than with VZW customer service(thanks Natra)(or who ever) (the people you call not the ones in the store)  just for the way i was treated id pay the early cancel fees(even tho their getting good money from me) just not to have to deal with them again.  the issue started with the phone ended with horrible service, all that had to be done was exchanged the crapante(fascinate) for equal or nib with battery/charger fascinate, thanks for your time guys as i said good luck, steer clear.   mike


ps.     smasung will have the same post.

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