Why doesn't tap n pay work on vzw Note 3 ??

I tried to set up my Google Wallet app for tap and pay with the nfc capabilities and it is not supported. Why is that? Is it a Google issue why it doesn't work, or Samsung, or Verizon? Very frustrating to have a nice powerful phone with these features and I can't even use it. Bummer.

Any help would be appreciated.  Also, what would be my other options? Hopefully there's atleast some way to use it. Thanks.

Re: Why doesn't tap n pay work on vzw Note 3 ??

This was a hot topic years ago, but the Note 3 wasn't the only one left out:

Evo 4G LTE

Nexus 7 (2012)

Samsung Galaxy Note III

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy Light

I believe the required HCE security chipset was missing from the Vzw Note 3.

I doubt you will see support for it unless some change comes along with Android Pay.