5g not working on Tab S7 plus

Tablet will not switch over to 5g.  I am in a 5g area and my Note 20 Ultra is in 5g all day.  Went to the verizon store and the rep changed the sim card with no success.  Is there any thing I can do?  4g works fine but if I'm paying for 5g it would be nice to use.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Sub1839, we want nothing more than to make sure your Tablet is able to connect to our 5G Network. Allow us the opportunity to take a closer look at the details. We have sent you a Private Message. Can you please respond to that Message? Thank you. 




Please resolve my issue too. I have posted multiple times in different threads about this. I live in an area that does not have 5g,  but my tablet cycles from 4g to 5g constantly. When on 4g all is great, but when it says I am on 5g.... nothing. No data transfer until it goes back to 4g, then it's gone again a minute later. Happens all of the time. I also have the same issue with my phone, S20 Ultra, both devices started having this issue once I installed the System update pushed from Verizon that said it was to make the devices not able to access 5g.