App manager installed games
Enthusiast - Level 1

I installed the latest update for Samsung Ultra 23.  Four dreadful, horrible and insulting  games that took up a ton of space on MY phone were downloaded without permission.  I have previously disabled Verizon App Manager.  Lo and behold, Verizon re-enabled their app manager and again downloaded games. GAMES!

Where does Verizon get off downloading unwanted junky games onto my phone? I paid for the phone and I pay for the service? If y'all want to put useless junk on my phone, I should receive a free phone with free service. 

BTW, my gmail locked up and was unusable. Do you guys test or are we your personal debuggers? I spent 42 years designing, developing and testing software.  I am trying to imagine adding bloatware to employee machines that take up space that should be used for proper applications. This is dishonest and you know it's being done. The payments from game drones must be huge to allow you to insult your user's intelligence. Stop pretending that it shouldn't happen and that you will help to fix it.  Code exists that re-enables the app manager and specifically downloads games without permission. Changing it is easy. I'll do it for $500k and free phones and service in perpetuity. 

Short of that, stop downloading your unadulterated junk to my phone. The only thing that updates should do is fix bugs or add functionality. Games are not functionality. That's why they are called games. Games are optional. 

I am 71 years old. Don't be a game pusher.  It's disrespectful and so undignified.

Stop it!

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Same concern here.   Games are downloaded automatically and I don't want them.  Consent is probably buried in the software license agreement somewhere but that doesn't mean Verizon should be aggravating their customers.  I am just going to Uninstall them.  


Please stop pushing stuff I don't did not request!

Champion - Level 1

The Verizon App Manager has to be disabled every time a new software update comes out.  Otherwise, it turns itself back on and will go back to downloading whatever.  Why they have it on the phones baffles me and seems like Verizon has the power to remove it from carrier phones.  Or at least be able to permanently disable it if a customer requests it.  One other competitor offers customers an option to download a separate app to receive promotional offers, etc.  Why can't Verizon do the same?

 Some people will only buy unlocked phones so as to not have to deal with things like this, but it cuts both ways since an unlocked phone may not be able to use everything a carrier offers, and if an unlocked phone starts having issues, you're on your own.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I just had the same thing happen, so I reached out to Verizon - to ask them to stop it. 

They are basically saying, they dont control what they install - so they cant stop the games from loading.  We trust them with the Security Updates - but we should not.  Not if they cant control what is installed on your phone.