Bad Andriod update
Enthusiast - Level 1

My s8+ just updated overnight. Now the battery is draining way too fast. Its dropped 10 percent in about 10 minutes of use. This is the same thing that happened to my s7 edge last year. How do i remove this update or fix the issue?

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8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It's important for your phone to work properly after an update, RYADAV92. Once an update has been installed, it cannot be removed. What type of usage was occurring when you noticed this drop in battery usage? How has your battery life been since you have posted this issue? If you go to Settings>Battery, are there any apps listed that stand out with high battery usage?



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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I was using Facebook when i noticed the power drain. I make it a habit to use the app killing feature under the battery setting ever morning when i first use the phone but this happened after that. I plugged the phone back in and the battery drain issue seems to have stopped. I still think the battery is draining a bit faster than it had, but that may also be "in my head". Someone mentioned below about clearing the partitions and i had to do that about every 60 days on my s7 edge, which had battery issues and an unreponsive area of the screen. I really dont want to fall back in that routine. I've used samsung products since the first vibrant phone hit the market and never had issues till the s7 edge. I hope my s8+ doesnt fall prey to those issues, that would have me rethinking my years of loyalty to samsung.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Your application killing habit can also be contributing to the power drain.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

I appreciate you taking time to troubleshoot with us, RYADAV92. We definitely want to see you have the best device experience. Have you updated all of your apps via the Play Store to ensure you are on the latest version of each especially Facebook?


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response registry. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Master - Level 1

I use to like app killing feature in the battery settings but after about 2 updates ago that feature is no longer there. I too like Samsung products and just wish that Verizon would not disable the apps that Samsung put on their phone. Is that app killing feature still there on you S8. I think I should ask that before someone says that Verizon did not disable it. I have a S7 edge so maybe that is the only phone that it was disabled in.

Master - Level 2

Samsung has a similar mechanism to close background processes as the LG. You probably have a "recent apps" key (looks like stacked windows) at the bottom of the screen. Press that, and dismiss/close apps with a swipe left/right gesture, or by clicking the close (X) icon in an app window. You can also scroll to the bottom and click "Close All".

I'd recommend doing this or better, power cycling the phone every week.



settings/notifications....un-check what you don't want to see.

Master - Level 1

Like support said you can't go back but did you try to clear the cache partition on your phone?

Volume up-Power-Home will get you to recovery mode. Once you are there just use the volume button to get down to clear cache partition once there tap the power button volume down to say yes and tap power again.

Doing this does not change any of your settings on the phone it just clears out a lot of old files and junk on the phone and makes some more room on it