Can no longer turn off smart emojis
Enthusiast - Level 2

Since about 3 weeks ago I can no longer turn off smart emojis and the grey boxes that pop up why I am texting are driving me nuts.

Can someone please fix this asap. To be clear this is not keyboard emojis(๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿญ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿ—ฃโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‚) these are not the issue. Its your Verizion smart ones and turning them off under settings no longer works. Sending emojis to business partners is not a great look. I am about to just uninstall this app I have used loyally since 2015. Please tell me you all have submitted a trouble ticket for this issue?

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10 Replies
Customer Service Rep



I completely understand wanting to be able to turn this feature off, and I want to do all I can to help. What model device are you using? Are both your device and the Verizon Messages app fully up to date?



Enthusiast - Level 2

Not sure what I did to make it go away but something I switch off works Thanks for your response.

Customer Service Rep

Kvlove0722, you are welcome. To ensure we address all of your wireless concerns, did you have any other questions we can look into for you?


Enthusiast - Level 1

This issue is model-specific??  Really?  The occurrence of suggested pictures interfering with messaging has no place in texting and is quite distracting, markedly unhelpful and effectively nothing more than another obnoxious obstacle smartphone users are forced to confront and overcome.  Tell us how to get rid of this or get to work on a patch immediately

Customer Service Rep

We want to help in any way that we can Underdogg. What is the make and model of your device? When did you first notice this issue? RosanneM_VZW


I had this same issue and it was driving me nuts. In my settings it showed smart emojis as Off but they kept appearing.

The solution for me it turns out was rather simple:

  1. In the settings, turn the smart emojis On.
  2. Exit the Message+ app (swipe it closed)
  3. Restart the Message+ app
  4. Go to settings and turn the smart emojis Off.

And that did the trick.

This is a pretty common software error that happens during app upgrade data migrations. The actual setting versus what is reported as the setting differ. Toggling the setting gets them realigned with each other.

I registered to post here just in case this helps someone else down the line.

Customer Service Rep

We are concerned to hear that you are having a hard time removing smart emojis from your device. We know the importance of getting this resolved, and we will be glad to help! To confirm, is there a particular reason why you want to remove this feature from your phone? DavidR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

What is wrong with you (Verizon) asking why a user (many users have asked) wants a feature turned off. Programners should always offer an option to turn off features some (many) people find annoying. This is worse than merely annoying: you cannot edit the text higlighted in gray, and if you try you get emojis. The setting to turn it off does not work. Fix this. Don't ask why again. Fix it. Please, 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, rsk5. We deeply apologize for the frustration that turning off Smart Emojis has caused. We certainly want to make sure that we are on the right path to ensuring that issues with disabling Smart Emojis is resolved. The directions are to select Settings, Conversation,Turn off Smart Emojis, and Slide Off. What happens when you complete these steps that tells you that this does not disable Smart Emojis successfully? What is the make and model of the device that you have? BrettA_VZW



I have also been dealing with this annoying issue as well.  The little gray boxes that pop up make it difficult to tap and edit sentences especially if I want to put the cursor between two of those little boxes.  I discovered a workaround, but it seems that every time the app gets updated, I have to do the workaround again and again.  

When I see the gray boxes popping up as I'm typing I do this:

I go to the Conversations window and then tap the menu icon.  Then go to the Settings menu.  Then go to the Conversation menu.  Once there, you see the "Enable Smart Emojis" setting.  Mine is always off, so I turn it to on, then turn it off again.  After I do that, the darn gray boxes stop popping up when I'm typing.  Unfortunately, as I've said, it seems that every time the app gets updated, I have to go do that again as the Smart Emoji boxes start popping up again.

For those who are going to ask, I'm using the Samsung Note 10+ 5G.   The version of the Messages+ app I'm using is 6.9.11 (as of the time that I'm writing this).  I'm on the One UI version 2.0, Android 10, Kernel Version 4.14.117