Can the S7 battery be replaced and if so will it void the Asurion insurance?
Specialist - Level 3

My two-year old S7 is using battery at an alarming rate.  Is the battery replaceable?  If it is replaced, will that affect the insurance I have on the phone?

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22 Replies
Master - Level 1

Still having problems with the battery I see. I would call Samsung and see if they can give you the name of someone in your area that is authorized to work on Samsung phones. It should not affect the ins I think as long as the person working on it is authorized. That's a shame that you are having this problem with your phone. I wonder if holding back on that update is causing any of this problem. You still have marshmallow on your phone right?

I was just wondering when you charge your phone do you just use the regular charge or do you use the quick charge?

Specialist - Level 3

I'm sure not doing the updates is causing this. I may take the phone to the Samsung desk at Best Buy.  I suspect they will want to do the updates before replacing the battery, if that's even possible.  In looking at the phone, I don't see any seams along the edges to take it apart. 

Master - Level 1

Yea we can't change the battery our self  they have to put the seal around it again once they fix it.

I think if you took it to best buys they should be able to run a test on the battery to see how bad it is


the battery only gets so many (500???) charge cycles before developing charging, time between charges + it could be apps you're involved with.

Specialist - Level 3

I think the primary reason is not doing any system updates for months.  I'm still on 6.0.1.

Customer Service Rep

I'm sorry to hear you are having battery issues, jrh4054. Let's look into this together. How long is your battery lasting? Is the device damaged?  The battery is not removable, so unless it is changed by the manufacturer, it could affect the warranty. If it is replaced or changed. It will not affect the insurance. 


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Specialist - Level 3

In four hours the battery is down to 48% with very little usage.  It is not damaged, and the phone is two years old.

Customer Service Rep

Jrh4054, let's keep working together to find out what's gong on. Weโ€™ll start your troubleshooting with doing a Device Health Check:  Please let us know the outcome. Weโ€™d also like to suggest using the Battery Device Manager: 



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Specialist - Level 3

I've done Health Check several times.  There is nothing wrong with the battery.

Customer Service Rep

We do want to make sure that every step is exhausted for your battery concern, jrh4054.  If the device battery is replaced by a 3rd party repair facility, that will impact your Asurion coverage.    When did you first notice the battery drain?  Have you checked for app updates and is your Operating System up to date?  This link will show you how to check if a particular app may be causing the battery drain:



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Specialist - Level 3

My OS is not up to date and I'm not going to update it because of all the problems OS updates cause.  The battery drain started a few weeks ago but accelerated significantly after I cleared the system cache, which normally helps with battery drain.  I have done all the usage checking there is to do.  A Tech Coach checked the battery itself and found there is nothing wrong with it, so I won't be replacing it. 

Master - Level 1

I guess this is the question I should ask first ( is the phone up to date? ) before I tell someone to clear the cache partition. Have you been able to get the phone to do the update yet?

Specialist - Level 3

I haven't tried it yet.  Do you know how much internal available memory is needed to do the update?  I have just under 10GB

Master - Level 1

This is a really big update I think back then I saw someone on here say it was over 3 gigs download and after it unzipped and installed it was about 8 to 10 gigs in total. It should tell you after it gets the update if there is enough room. Good luck and please keep us posted how you made out it.

Specialist - Level 3

I will do that.

Customer Service Rep

Roger that, jrh4054. One component of the update is that in the Nougat update there's a battery enhancement.

Let us know your results after the update. 

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Specialist - Level 3

My concern is not what Nougat can do for my phone, it's what it might to TO my phone.  It's the TO that stopped me from doing the update.

Customer Service Rep

jrh4054, it's important to us that your phone is maintaining a charge that is synonymous to its actual use. The Battery Manager is usually the best indicator of what step may need to be taken to get your battery usage close to what it once was. If you're seeing the Android OS, Android System, Cell Standby or similar system apps using a lot of your battery versus a non-system application, then that can be quite telling especially if there's been nothing used to justify a high percentage drain for those apps. Can you advise which of the apps are showing as the highest use under your Settings>Battery>battery usage?


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Specialist - Level 3

The apps you mention are the ones consistently using the most battery.  Keep in mind the phone is two years old and operating on 6.0.1.

Customer Service Rep

JRH4054, we know that updates can certainly create some concern. In this case, as you are worried about that battery, this particular update does provide that enhancement. Please complete the update and let us know how that battery is now holding.

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