Cell Service
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have had Verizon for about 9 years with no issues.

About 4 months ago, I cannot make or receive calls in my house. I can step right outside my front door on the porch and I have 3-4 bars, I am lucky to have 1 bar in the house. Mind you, I have NEVER had an issue before. Why all of a sudden?


5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry for the issues you're encountering. We would love to help you out in any way we can. What zip code are you located in? Have there been any changes on your account or device? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I do want to add that not only does Verizon Wireless come second best to any of the remaining cell phone providers! But also the sheer fact that your coverage map on your commercials and on your website are wildly and accurate! And I am dumbfounded that this day and age I still am struggling to get even a bar a single bar of 4G service on a 5G Ultra wide band phone capable of having 5G LTE or better! And when I look at your coverage map it says that the entire state of Colorado should be essentially 4G LTE or better full service it's one of the biggest reasons why I left Verizon in the first place and I'm probably going to do so again because there's so many other reasons besides what I've already listed anyway Denver Colorado 80220 and Centennial/ Aurora area ZIP code 80015, and everything in between has shown me nothing but underwhelming unimpressive and troublesome cell phone connection!!

My experience with Verizon lately has been slow, glitchy, incapable, frustration - inducing, & I'm highly disappointed with my decision to switch to VW instead any other solution!!

(I personally feel that i would more than likely be able to achieve a more stable & more reliable coverage ability with ANY other provider (maybe even Government "Obamaphone" - type smartphones)...

Customer Service Rep

We understand the importance of staying connected at all times, and we will be glad to help get your service up and running. We sent a Private Note to further assist. ~Geo

Customer Service Rep

We value your time, and we are here to help. Feel free to reach out at the time most convenient for you. https://www.verizon.com/support/contact-us/ ~Geo ~Geo

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm in 60051. 

I have also just purchased a iPhone 14 Pro Max to see if that would help, I also added unlimited.

Paying way too much for this service or lack of.

This just started a few months and I work from home-the service stinks

it kind of started when this Verizon Internet took off, could that be hurting my service. Had no problems at all for years, now all of a sudden