Contacts App Requiring Log In

Enthusiast - Level 1


I am trying to help my elderly mom with her samsung galaxy s7. For some reason her Contacts app is requiring her to log in! This is something I have never seen in all my years of being an Android Galaxy user! I did a quick google search but didn't find any helpful information. So I thought I would look here. Note: I tried logging in, but then we were having issues with her password. Frustrated, that this was even happening, I left to find an answer as to WHY!?!? (Worse case scenario we'll reset her gmail password, I just don't want to do that due to all the other ramifications!) Again, in all my years of using a Samsung Galaxy I have never had to log in to the Contacts app. Good advice is much appreciated! (technology is tough for the elderly...and for those helping them!! 🙂

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2 Replies

the default app or 3rd party? i've never had to login to the default contas app.

Customer Service Rep

kimbaioda, this is odd indeed that the contacts application is requiring a user name and password. This isn't a Verizon Wireless requirement. I would be frustrated as well if I was unaware of why my phone was acting a certain way. Is the contacts application the one that was preinstalled on the phone or is it a third party application?

