Emails and text not sending

I have an SGalaxy 9+.  For about a month or so, I have not been able to send texts (MMS with photos) on Textra.  At the same time, about 60% of my emails go to a new place called OUTBOX and I can't send them from there most of the time.  So they just die in Outbox. I am using Samsung Mail with 2 gmail accounts and 2  My phone has been set up like this for 2 years (early adopter) now and it just started happening.

I have just spent too much time with Verizon's digital assistant running through their steps.  Found out a lot about my 9+ but didn't solve the issue.

Anyone having same/similar issues?  Resolutions? Thank you!

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Customer Service Rep

Kann50, we want to ensure that your email is working properly, and we're here to help. What troubleshooting steps had you already attempted? MatthewI_VZW