Galaxy Note 4 Android 5.1.1 Update - VZW FAIL
Enthusiast - Level 3

I am beyond irritated that as the flagship of exactly one year, Verizon continues to provide less than vague answers as to when we will be receiving this update.  I used to laugh at Sprint as a provider and swore that I'd never consider AT&T again as an option.  However, I have been awaiting Android 5.1.1 since June this year and have watched carries such as Spring and AT&T release 5.1.1 to their customers.  At this point, considering I pay about $125/month, I have been investigating other carriers and their service records and can honestly say, I am considering paying the fee to break my contract with Verizon to receive support and tech that keeps current.  In my estimation, Verizon should be offering credit to those of us that have been waiting months to receive this update to our [removed] devices which haven't worked properly since 5.0.1 was released.  I've been a customer with Verizon for 10+ years and can honestly say I have never been so disappointed with the service or lack thereof.   Get with it Verizon.  Stop treating your customers, whom are probably paying the highest bills based on the handset of their choice, like second rate piles of [removed].

I'm rather curious how much time and money was spent on Verizon creating their fancy new logo - perhaps the developers, designers and others on that team should have focused their energy on testing and releasing the update for their note 4 customers.


[Removal required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service]

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724 Replies

Not trying to butt in or anything but,"Hotshoe I can understand wanting the latest software as it’s intended to improve the function of the phone.", isn't that a bit wrong. Isn't android 6.0 the latest software? So shouldn't they "understand" wanting a semi-relevent software release?

Enthusiast - Level 3

6 will work too but samsung hasn't released it yet so it's understandable

that verizon wouldn't have it. 5.1.1 will fix our devices NOW.

Contributor - Level 3

Good luck with that.  At the beginning of this year I tried, months of waiting for updates to fix the drop calls, finally was partially corrected when I filed a complaint with the FCC.  The partial resolution by the way was to install a network extender in my home, which doesn't resolve my issues when I am not at home.

When I got 5.0.1 it did help a little.  But this last update (N910VVRU2BOG5 / Kernal 3.10.40) was a step in the wrong direction.  I lock up frequently now... As well as experience painful system speeds.

I still have range issues... Thanks to the xLTE band changes.

Whoever was complaining about their bill needs to leave financials out of their tech issue comments... Some people actually pay much more, there's no need to pontificate about billing woes on a tech support site.  Besides Verizon doesn't care how much we pay... I tried using that info to my advantage already.


TMobile started the there 5.1.1 update on their Note 4's. Why are we last for this? Such a large cell phone company and we are always last for anything new. This is getting really old.

Contributor - Level 3

I'd rather have Verizon and Samsung took joint ownership of the device issues we all seem to be having with the Note 4.  I'm so ready for my contact to be up so I can can a handset that works as advertised.  Software can only fix so much if the under lying issues are device and band related.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have been following this thread since it was started. I have 2 Note 4s and they both have  the issues that are mentioned on this forum. Since my one Note 4 was paid for I switched to Apple with the Phone 6s plus for my wife. I understand the issues of Android updates because I am also a member of other forums. Where does the fault lie? On the note 4 I believe it lies mainly with Verizon at this point in time. The reason why I went to the Apple iPhone 6s is because of this issue and if this issue is not resolved when my other note 4 is paid for I will leave  Verizon and go with AT&T or T Mobile. The iPhone 6s has all the band frequencies of all the four major carriers in the United States so I won't have to buy another phone. We also had the upgrade issues with the original Verizon Droid Turbo that Verizon sold 1 year ago which I had before this note 4 that I currently have

Contributor - Level 1

Just for future reference: every LTE phone on a CDMA network will work on any US carrier. LTE is GSM, so instead of just putting one GSM band in the phone, they make it capable of both GSM and CDMA, hence why they're called Global phones. Any LTE phone on Verizon comes factory unlocked, and should work on any US (and some EU) carrier. You aren't limited to the iPhone for cross-carrier compatibility.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes I know exactly what you said and to a point that is true.  But The Verizon note 4 does not have all the lte bands of t mobile or att. The only 2 phones that do have all the att and t mobile as well as the sprint lte bands are the i phone and the nexus. After being on android and windows phones  for the past 6 years, especially the last 2 with the droid turbo and note 4, I am getting tired of android, I have never owned a Nexus, and I am not real thrilled about windows phones so that is why I bought the iphone for my wife. Are they perfect, no,  but I think over the longhaul, going by my ipads, the platform seems more.stable than android has been so far.  Only time will tell. Maybe one day I will go back to a dumb phone but as of now I use my phone for business as well as personal use.

Contributor - Level 1

My experience with iPhones has not been good. They always slow down by a ton when the next version of iOS comes out, and if you want to stay on the old version, you can't get any apps. It's the reason I moved to Android. Android at least has backwards compatibility.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I hope that will not be the case.  I guess time will tell. On my ipads the apps have  been backwards compatible so I hope that will be the case with the phone for me.  Thanks for the info.

Contributor - Level 1

I know what you mean my thought was going to iPhone but I have been with

android since day one I just hope verizon will get there a** in gear and

give us note 4 owner's the update we deserve we pay a lot of money for

there service and they should keep there phone's updated to the newest

version. We know verizon is reading these post and they can't even reply to

any of them. And they say they are the biggest carrier out there then they

need to start proven it

Community Leader
Community Leader

I used to own a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012) 4G/LTE. Samsung issued one OS upgrade, a few patches and them pulled the plug.

An almost $700 tablet running Jellybean 4.1.2 in 2015 with no further updates coming doesn't sit well with me.

In my instance, Samsung walked away from the device.  On the other hand, VZW tends to be a bit slow issuing patches & updates.

I ended up giving away the tablet to a friend who uses it to check Email and do some light Internet surfing. I picked up a Microsoft Surface 3 to replace the Samsung.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon: We want 5.1.1 for the Note 4. Please answer this direct question...

When will VZW be releasing the update to android 5.1.1 (or 6.0 at this point) for the Samsung Note 4?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I feel like I have been taken out to the tool shed. I apologize to everyone. I didn't realize that Samsung, the manufacturer, also wrote the code for their devices.   I must have been dreaming that the other phone carriers had already received the update for 5.1.1, one as far back as early August. This is what Verizon gets for being such a "small" carrier compared to Sprint. I guess Samsung is "punishing" Verizon and holding back the code. Once again, how about information Verizon. I guess if I were a Verizon employee, I would also support them on this forum. I want answers, not excuses.

Enthusiast - Level 2

ps. Slight correction. Google writes the code, Samsung tweaks, and finally Verizon also tweaks and releases the code. My apologies once again. Samsung tweaked months ago.


Wrong. Verizon Wireless doesn't touch the code.  Verizon Wireless only tests it to certify verify it doesn't break the network. Samsung has several models of phones to modify and only so many people to write to code. Samsung started likely on the easiest phones to modify and have to least amount of Certification and Testing involved.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have no interest in getting into a personal debate with you. You may want to research your previous statement. I'm sure you were sincere, although misinformed. Don't cloud the issue with semantics. Once again, my statements were directed towards Verizon and Samsung, as to why they can not even keep their customers informed. I have had direct conversations with Samsung support and their response was, it had been in Verizon's hands. You for some reason have directed your responses directly toward me. I do not desire  a legacy of cyber bullying nor do I do like the anonymity of the internet and will not hide behind it. I apologize for airing my frustrations in a thread that you even came across. I hope you have a nice weekend. I am done with the Verizon community forum and will go back to the XDA Developer's forum. I would express my feelings to Verizon over the phone, however, I don't have a lot of time waiting on the phone to only be disconnected once again. Once upon a time, Verizon had a reputation of outstanding customer service but that went the way of copper wires.

Enthusiast - Level 3

This is unfortunately one of the frustrations in dealing with Verizon. Everyone knows the carriers all drag their feet with updates they have any kind of control over, which is why Apple took direct control of their own updates. They would probably abandon updates completely if they knew they could get away with it (just look at those unfortunate Windows Phone users). Google pushes direct updates to the phones they have direct control over (the Nexus phones), but unfortunately because of the nature of Android as an open platform, they don't control all of its splintered variants from Samsung, HTC, LG, etc. Granted, Samsung was surprisingly fast in pushing 5.1.1 and hopefully will also be fast in pushing out 6.0, but again we go back to the original issue of Verizon dragging its feet in certifying the release.

At this point, when it comes time to get a new phone, I may well go with a Nexus or iPhone, because I'm really tired of the glacial pace at which Verizon does things, which is unfortunate because I've always liked my Samsung Note phones. The whole issue of their pricing structure is a separate thing. Supposedly they recently announced that all grandfathered unlimited plans (like mine) are getting a price hike in November. I've been off-contract for years now, so we'll see what happens. At this point, my frustration level with VZW is very high (as are a lot of people's) and even though I've been loyal for over a decade plus to them, my patience is honestly really wearing thin. It's no secret that the 5.0 release for our phones dramatically reduced their usability and reliability. Unless they're skipping 5.1.1 and going straight to 6.0, I don't see why it's taking so long. At this point, the only way to keep my phone usable is to reboot it every now and again (usually once or twice a day) to clear the memory.

If any decision makers are actually reading any of these posts, let me clarify my point. You're not doing the company's image any favors. All this does is solidify the notion in people's minds that the less control the carriers have over the phones, the better. Apple has complete and total control over their updates and they never encounter issues like these. Verizon has long blocked Nexus phones from their network (until the Nexus 6), but I haven't really seen any issues like this with them either. But lo and behold, issues galore with Samsung phones and surprise, we're all still waiting on the updates that will fix our phones nearly half a year on.


Yes, Apple has control over their updates. What you don't see is they WAIT until all the carrier testing process across the globe is completed BEFORE they release their updates.

You think Google is fast? Their latest update is still rolling out in waves. It was released to the public a little over 2 weeks ago and it is still working on reaching those Nexus devices via the OTA for those people who don't bother flashing it themselves.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Two weeks would be a literal miracle. 5.1.1 has been rumored to be rolling out for months. My cousin who has a Nexus 6 has had it on his phone all summer, while our supposed flagship phone languishes. The delay has been so long, Google has had time to release 6.0 Marshmallow, meaning we're two updates behind. As for Apple, the delay is minimal. You can volunteer to beta test new versions of iOS and it does not ever take half a year for Apple to push out their updates from the completion of their beta testing until final release to all users. My complaint is not with the fact that they have to certify releases. My complaint is with the absurd amount of time it takes them to do it. All you need to do is skim any forum of Verizon Android users and you'll see clearly that most owners are resigned to the fact that they probably won't get Marshmallow until midway into next year. This is neither acceptable nor tolerable when it comes to tech devices given the speed at which this industry moves.


The problem is people don't see exactly when manufacturers submit or have the update sent back for whatever bug.

The problem lies with people expect carriers to take blame for whatever goes wrong. If they let manufacturers push out whatever they want you can bet most will blame the carrier for what went wrong. You can see it on T-Mobile forums with their BYOD. Why isn't this working? It worked on AT&T... Etc etc. I been saying we should follow Europe's model and it is met with heavy resistance because they know from that point forward its up to the manufacturer and carriers are completely hands off.

Yes Apple spends a long time with their releases. You don't see their private beta process if you do a simple sign up. There's months prior to the public beta which radio/RIL, kernel, and FCC testing is complete and they don't touch those sections for reapproval. Public beta is for simple bug fixes.
