Galaxy Note 4 Android 5.1.1 Update - VZW FAIL
Enthusiast - Level 3

I am beyond irritated that as the flagship of exactly one year, Verizon continues to provide less than vague answers as to when we will be receiving this update.  I used to laugh at Sprint as a provider and swore that I'd never consider AT&T again as an option.  However, I have been awaiting Android 5.1.1 since June this year and have watched carries such as Spring and AT&T release 5.1.1 to their customers.  At this point, considering I pay about $125/month, I have been investigating other carriers and their service records and can honestly say, I am considering paying the fee to break my contract with Verizon to receive support and tech that keeps current.  In my estimation, Verizon should be offering credit to those of us that have been waiting months to receive this update to our [removed] devices which haven't worked properly since 5.0.1 was released.  I've been a customer with Verizon for 10+ years and can honestly say I have never been so disappointed with the service or lack thereof.   Get with it Verizon.  Stop treating your customers, whom are probably paying the highest bills based on the handset of their choice, like second rate piles of [removed].

I'm rather curious how much time and money was spent on Verizon creating their fancy new logo - perhaps the developers, designers and others on that team should have focused their energy on testing and releasing the update for their note 4 customers.


[Removal required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service]

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724 Replies

Ask Samsung higher up. They are the only ones who can and it's their product. Think about it. You want answers and Samsung higher ups can give it more than Verizon can. Carriers ALWAYS have to sign NDAs. Samsung doesn't its their product. Just some food for thought.

Enthusiast - Level 3

That is NOT proof... just what you say the preponderance of evidence is

that VZW has it.


Dude it would be proof... If Samsung higher up puts their name on it, and say they are finished and Verizon won't let them support their product would produce results you want, but since you want to complain to the closest thing and the most easiest thing to get ahold of this is what you get just like the last 7 years... Yet in Europe they did the same thing then about 1-2 years later far better support because they went after manufacturers... 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Again NOT proof.

Please prefix your statements with in my opinion.

You seem to be a Verizon employee contractor or paid by them in some way

directly or indirectly. ALL your posts are toeing the official company

line. Can you disprove that?

If this is the case Verizon is misleading us here too.


Can you prove they have it?  You have yet to show ANYTHING other than hearsay from a low level rep that will NEVER know and it has been proven countless times they will never know no matter what company you go with. I am telling you where to get said information from. Manufacturers can tell you everything, but choose not to for plausible deniability which is where this crossroad is. It is well known in the industry manufacturers make carriers sign an NDA for their products which keeps carriers tight lipped. So unless you have proof from Samsung upper management you will get nothing from anyone unless OK'd by that management.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well I said the preponderance of evidence is that they have it. Its hard to

fathom that the largest provider in one of the largest markets in the world

does not have it.

You didn't answer the second part of my of my question about your

association with vzw are you an employee contractor who is being paid by

verizon it subsidiaries or someone is directly or indirectly being paid by

VZW or affiliate s in monetary form or with service or devices. You seem to

be involved in several forums ALL your posts favor the VZW position.


Again "think" is not evidence. That would not hold up in court. Like I said NDA is in place and Verizon can't say either way, but Samsung could. Plausible Deniability and remember it well.

If you look at HTC timelines and go by individual devices they SPECIFICALLY tell you where they are and if it is in the carriers hands as an OFFICIAL statement. Motorola does to, but you won't see it unless you are part of their MDN and were selected. So all these companies has some sort of public relations yet Samsung doesn't. Samsung isn't the reputable company people make them out to be especially from the Koreans(yes I am Korean and I lived and still visit there).

So have a good day you made up your mind and I am not going to do your leg work for you. If you want things to change get the data from Samsung to help you since they are the second largest smart phone supplier in the world. They have a lot more clout than Verizon has.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well what you said isn't proof either .

What about your relation ship to Verizon. .. why'd you keep avoiding my

second question.

If you have ANY relationship monetary or otherwise then you should declare


If that is so then VZW is being misleading on this forum.


How about we wager if I do or not? I can show you my employment for the past 20 years. I can show you other customer boards like this saying the same thing from AT&T to T-Mobile as well. No carrier spot unless it is upper management will pay anywhere near what I get paid at my current employment. I can show you around but you'll have to sign a waiver because you could die and I don't want to be liable or the company I work for. Also you'll probably have to spend some major time traveling to the middle of the Pacific ocean one other perc that these carriers couldn't offer me with my pay.

I am trying to change the perception and trying to get people to start doing what Europe is doing which yields better results the past 6 years, because clearly what we've been doing hasn't worked... You can't deny that yourself because clearly you don't have 5.1.1.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Got it you ARE being compensated by VZW .. hence the convoluted answer that

means nothing .


care to put your money where your mouth is?  I am serious here.  Usually when people start talking about being compensated it means they realize they are wrong and push towards that to try and discredit a person.  So why not put $100K down and you can fly to Hawaii.  I will take you a few rounds at what I do at work of course you will have to sign the same waivers I had to.  You'll also have to sign a NDA which if you disclose what we do you can actually get fined a large sum of money and potentially jail time(no joke here).  Of course you won't be getting paid, but I'll gladly show you my paychecks to boot.  You can even look at my portfolio in terms of stock options and you'll find no carriers are in them.  I have no vested interest and I am not being compensated.  You'll find the same user name on T-Mobile saying the same thing.  So am I being compensated there as well?  Couldn't this be a conflict of interest doing so and I could be terminated by both sides since they are competing companies?  Seriously man... So pick an amount to bet and fly here.  If I pay your way then you have to pay that back if you lose.

Enthusiast - Level 3

So you "don't" work for them?

How about a simple Yes or No.

I don't care to fly anywhere to meet anyone especially a vzw employee or



I do not at all and if you want to verify it I am telling you to put your money where your mouth is. If you believe that I am.  Like I said you are using a typical tactic of trying to discredit someone.  I am willing to put my life under a microscope for a cost are you?

Enthusiast - Level 3

What I am saying about 5. 1.1 is being said by everyone on this thread .

What you are saying is typical of a corporate response , hence the

questions regarding your motivations.

If you say you don't ... then you don't.

You seem to be the happiest vzw note 4 owner. I don't care to put money

anywhere. . I have lost enough buying the note 4 and being VZW.


You have never read a lot of my replies.  I will say this ONCE more.  Samsung isn't the best company when it comes to Android device.  They are great at marketing much like Apple is.  People get caught up in the marketing and you can see why they are both 1 and 2.  After the Galaxy S devices I have not personally purchased a Samsung device for myself and I will always use other device.  I buy an iPhone simply because that's the only way to develop for their platform.  If I buy Android it will be a Nexus or flavor of the month that interests my staff.  I like Windows Phone devices more than any other device, but I don't play fanboy to a platform.  I do have Samsung devices because my boss buys them for me since most of the staff here loves Samsung.

You've been saying what every person has said the last 6 years or so...  NEVER WORKED...  Show a one that it did work...  Just look across the pond when everyone brings up Europe and how they always have what you want?  What are they doing different?  They pressure manufacturers.  Sales numbers for example of Motorola plummeted and Motorola was sold off twice and broken down.  Now they are more update friendly than their competitors.  HTC is on the verge of being sold, and if the right person comes along they will be sold off.  They are arguable the most friendly company when it comes to updates since HTC One (M7). They even give the most information about updates.


Here's some food for thought and my last post towards you. You think Samsung with roughly 38% of the smartphone marketshare(second to only Apple) has no clout to push updates to their own devices?  A simple Verizon decided to force us not to support our own products and since they will not allow us we'll no longer allow Verizon to have our phones. Don't you think Verizon could very well lose a large userbase? Everyone would then further assume their devices are not getting updates for the same reasons and very well all of them could potentially switch carriers. Why don't manufacturers do this? Could it be they do have all the cards and if they said that they'd be caught lying? It's possible.


Oh manufacturers can go with the one model variant but choose not because of the money they make for additional overhead. HTC started doing it, and Motorola went that way and they lowered their optionals and notice how close they are across the board and how much quicker their updates happen?

Enthusiast - Level 2

If you want Samsung to skip 5.1.1 to go straight to 6.0, then you don't understand how Android OS progression generally works.

The X.0 version releases always have some pretty major issues. Hence why so many bugs plague 5.0.1 that our device has. 5.0.2 was release to fix many of these (which we also don't have) and then 5.1 fixed the vast majority of issues people had and came with a few new features too. If we go straight to 6.0, we are just welcoming all the new issues that 6.0 will contain while other phones get some sort of 6.X update fixing them - which (surprise) we WON'T get!

On top of that, when Samsung and Verizon realized that 5.0.1 had SO MANY PROBLEMS, their #1 priority should have been to get the most stable version out of the handsets, which has been the 5.1 update FOR MONTHS PAST.

THAT IS WHY THIS IS INEXCUSABLE. You don't let your users sit around with broken software. You fix it ASAP and then move onto new software. Verizon should have pressured Samsung (which they can easily do, being the biggest carrier) into getting 5.1 released in a timely manner, and then should have released it out to us ASAP, since it was Samsung's fault for some of the issues (like the hardware GPS bug) and Verizon's fault for others (not allowing rapid-release update cycles).

There is no reason to defend Verizon in this situation. They are in the wrong in every regard.


Yet Motorola could write an update to go from 4.4.4 to 5.1.1 for the Moto X 2013 Verizon phone. That's a major jump and I don't issues with that update. It is possible.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

VC Post had an interesting article the other day where they were talking about Samsung phones that were on the initial "upgrade to 6.0" list.  They list the model #'s and the current finished version from Samsung's internal documents.  SM-N910V is listed as 5.1.1 for the completed/released version.  If this is true, then it's all on Verizon.  I have to say, that as much as I like my phone and my service, this is convincing me that getting either a Nexus 6P or going back to an iPhone and switching to AT&T is probably best for my family and I.  I've had other issues with Verizon's service recently, and the assistance they gave in the face of real data/facts was abysmal, and has convinced me that they really do not care about customers, and that it's in our best interests to make them improve by doing the one thing that will hurt.  Leave their service.  Either that, or all of us Note 4 users get together and form a class...

Enthusiast - Level 2

Time to take it to twitter and start generating some negative publicity for their lack of an update here.

"@VZWSupport, no 5.1.1 for your note 4, that's a #VZWFail"