Galaxy Note 4 Android 5.1.1 Update - VZW FAIL
Enthusiast - Level 3

I am beyond irritated that as the flagship of exactly one year, Verizon continues to provide less than vague answers as to when we will be receiving this update.  I used to laugh at Sprint as a provider and swore that I'd never consider AT&T again as an option.  However, I have been awaiting Android 5.1.1 since June this year and have watched carries such as Spring and AT&T release 5.1.1 to their customers.  At this point, considering I pay about $125/month, I have been investigating other carriers and their service records and can honestly say, I am considering paying the fee to break my contract with Verizon to receive support and tech that keeps current.  In my estimation, Verizon should be offering credit to those of us that have been waiting months to receive this update to our [removed] devices which haven't worked properly since 5.0.1 was released.  I've been a customer with Verizon for 10+ years and can honestly say I have never been so disappointed with the service or lack thereof.   Get with it Verizon.  Stop treating your customers, whom are probably paying the highest bills based on the handset of their choice, like second rate piles of [removed].

I'm rather curious how much time and money was spent on Verizon creating their fancy new logo - perhaps the developers, designers and others on that team should have focused their energy on testing and releasing the update for their note 4 customers.


[Removal required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service]

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724 Replies

Each phone model is updated independently. Samsung can't write one set of codes that works for all carriers so the update hasn't been released to all of the carriers. Even if they did manage to get the update to all carriers at the same time, each carrier has different testing protocols that can take a few weeks to over a month to complete. Sprint is usually the shortest and their update was issued at the beginning of August. T-Mobile and AT&T are somewhere in the middle with Verizon usually taking a month. If any of the tests fail, the update goes back to the manufacturer for debugging and recoding. Then the testing starts all over again. The AT&T update was issued in the first half of October. That's a TWO month difference between the Sprint model and the AT&T model. Why the long time frame? The tests could have failed. Samsung could have only completed the AT&T update in September AFTER the Sprint model was done. Because Samsung isn't open about their software updates no one knows, but HTC and Motorola have been open with their plans. 

The public HTC and Motorola update paths indicate that each carrier model takes a parallel but separate path for a software update. Some models are started before other models. Some have more component certification requirements that have to be completed before the software is finalized. The phones with CDMA radios are a good example. The manufacturer does their own testing to see if it is ready for send to the carrier. The carrier receives the update for their testing and if successful notifies the manufacturer the update is authorized for release.

There is a longer process then you realize is involved in getting these updates ready.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yeah, a month. Wonder why the Note 3 took over a year! SMH. Nothing but excuses.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Because they don't care and have a business model of pushing clients to new products just like what was done with the Note 3 and above in this thread with the Note 4. Do you realize Verizon never owned up to the problems with the Note 3? What company doesn't acknowledge what the whole country knows? Those that get fined and sued by the US Govt. Some of us are tired of the lies and bs. We pay a ton of money and simply want our phones to work. And yet you defend them and have no problem with them. 5.1.1 was released in April this spring and it is now basically November. Ueah, Verizon doesn't have it. Then how is it on other phones? They didn't redesign all of lollipop. Good grief.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Too funny. We don't want to lose you from the 'family." Family doesn't treat each other like Verizon does.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Too true Hotshoe.  Verizon is treating it's Galaxy Note 4 customers like the red headed step child of their 'family'.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Many of us do not want to put down another $700 for a new phone, It is your Job to push out Android updates to Lollipop 5.1.1 in a timely manner that helps solve some of the issues of the original lollipop release. We are all paying customers and screwing over Note4 users, is like screwing over everyone else. Other carriers have already released Lollipop 5.1.1 and now we are in December of 2015 soon to be 2016 and yet your support team isn't getting the update pushed out.

I believe your company needs to be a bit more supportive to the people who send you their hard earned money and if we ask for an update, we should receive it, not 2 to 3 years later, but within 30 to 60 days of it's official release.

Contributor - Level 1

Verizon has done nothing but let there customers down and I hope it bites

them in the [removal required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service].

Enthusiast - Level 1

What executive line?

Enthusiast - Level 3

I searched for Verizon wireless executives and found a contact/complaint

form, I filled it out and the called me a couple days later. They left me

a voice-mail with a phone number to call. I posted it here, was it removed?

Enthusiast - Level 1

All I saw was your recent post just a few min ago.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've posted a bunch on here

Champion - Level 1

There is no Kaiser Soze.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The S5 on AT&T just got 5.1.1.......note 4 on Verizon, still waiting.....

Enthusiast - Level 3

There's a giant surprise!   Rah Rah AT&T!!!  Boo hiss VZW.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Now t mobile just pushed the 5.1.1 update! 3 out of the 4 major carriers have now...sprint, att, now t mobile. Verizon is all thats left...what the hell? Verizon, you like being last and having very upset customers?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Here are some facts Verizon customer service. Once again you're last to the party with a much needed update. Please tell me why anyone would stay? All we see is you're the best, biggest and most reliable carrier. We're here to take care of you. Verizon you clearly have not taken care of us your customers.

Another question Verizon. Do you actually take information from here and show it to anyone? Does anyone from management actually look at this? I ask because I know a regional manager personally. When I showed her the problems of the Note 3 2 years ago, they had no idea what was going on. I showed her various blogs, this page on Verizon and other sites and the thousands of complaints. Then she called the VP and he didn't know either. I did get a free upgrade to the Note 4 as I said I was done after 8 months of not having a working phone. Now my Note 4 is getting worse daily, just like my Note 3 did. So again I ask, does anyone actually see this site from management? And oh by the way, this site is away. To have to scroll all the way down an endless page on mobile is utterly rediculous. Plus, it's slow as molasses.

Enthusiast - Level 3

On the topic of Verizon and it's customer service, I figured I'd see if Verizon would do anything if I tweeted at them, and all of the other carriers at the same time (att, tmobile, and sprint), saying his displeased I was with Verizon managing to be dead last with my Note 4 upgrade, and how I'd probably leave to find better service - the other 3 providers tweeted at me within minutes offering deals and asking how they could help, 24 hours later, Verizon has yet to say anything.

Just another fact to those who stick up to Verizon, that they really just don't care about everyone leaving. The fact I need to save up a bit to finish paying off my EDGE just to get a working phone is disgusting, but I suppose at the end of the day having a properly working phone and a cheaper bill would be worth it in the long run.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Tic toc, Tic toc. Hey Verizon, guess what? It's December 1, 2015, another month has gone by and still no update for the Note 4. If anyone claims you don't have the update from Samsung, they need their head examined. And testing, hah, what a load of crap. If they wait to test then why did the Note 3 have so many problems? Why is the Note 4 still having problems from the tested 5.0.1? Hello? The two defenders here are full of crap.

You cannot defend the indefensible, Verizon. AT&T has now caught up with you as far as service, especially in my area and that's why I'm leaving you. You're expensive, you don't update and your customer service sucks. You have most definitely turned into the old Sprint when they stopped caring. As far as this site, customer service here has done nothing but piss everyone off with their canned lies. Verizon, you are a disgrace and deserve to fail miserably. I'm heading to AT&T this Friday to switch as I have no contract. You see, I'm not stupid enough to buy a Note 5 to put more money in your greedy pockets.

Enthusiast - Level 3


I am jealous and wish I was coming with you...

It won't be today, but I will be there ASAP!

CONGRATS in getting out from under their claws!

Smiley HappySmiley HappySmiley Happy

Customer Service Rep

Toxicle, we definitely care about you and would never want to see you leave. We are always here for support when you need us. Regarding reaching out to us via Twitter. Did you contact us or Verizon Support? The reason I ask is because Verizon Support is our landline service and it may have gone that route instead of to our Twitter page. Nonetheless, I want to ensure you have a working phone. What issues are you having? Are they regarding the software update?  Share details please.
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just to add my personal details. When unlocking the phone I put my code in

and it goes to sleep. I then have to put my code in again to access my

phone. I notice moments of extreme lag when moving through screens, the

battery life is very poor. Off software information. How do I have deep

scratches on my screen when it has never been dropped. We have gorilla


On Dec 1, 2015 9:18 AM, "Verizon Wireless Customer Support" <
