Group Messaging does not function properly!
Enthusiast - Level 1

Has anyone figured out how to resolved the group messaging issue?  It seems to be just a problem with Verizon Wireless.  I 'do not' want to install a third party application (such as 'group me' which I have done) to use group messaging as it is a feature on this phone.

I have tested the group message with a coworker who has an S4 phone on the AT&T network.  From my phone I sent a group text under the 'group text tab' to his S4 phone and another coworkers iphone 4 (verizon).  They received the group text individually.

He then sent a group text message to us (S4/iphone 4) they were able to reply to each other on group but when i replied from my S4 he received the message on his S4 as an individual message.

I have returned my iphone4 to verizon.  I have changed my apple account password.  The group tab is selected before sending message.  The group check box under the MMS is selected.  And my friends deleted all imessage threads from their phone.

what next?  I mean can someone figure it out or why did verizon configure it this way?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi Tarra2013,

I know group messaging is important! Let's get this fixed. Try changing these settings on your device. Go to Messaging -> Menu -> Settings -> Multimedia message settings -> Please check two settings for Group messaging, Group conversations and Auto-retrieve.
Please make sure that mobile data is ON, and Wi-fi is turned OFF.
Lastly, clear data/cache and Force stop Messaging app in Application manager.
Menu -> Settings -> More -> Application manager -> All -> Messaging -> Clear data/cache and Force stop -> then Restart the device. Keep me posted.

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Enthusiast - Level 1


actually after reading a previous thread i found by removing my number from my apple account resolved the problem.

thank you though.


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What thread was that? I am having a dickens of a time with this!


I have to say that having to turn of Wi-Fi to get my group messages to work is an absolute ridiculous task to remember to do. Ironically, my group messaging was working on my s4 until last week. I've had the phone for about four weeks now. I don't understand why it would all of a sudden quit working and finding this forum and being told to turn off wi-fi, while it works, needs to be fixed. Pretty pretty please!!!!