Group Text Issues
Enthusiast - Level 2


I have been having a lot of issues with group texts.  I have tried everything in the book to fix this and nothing has worked so far.  I have

1. Factory Reset My Phone

2. Tried Message +

3. Tried Pulse SMS

4. Put on Airplane mode on & off

5. switched from Wireless to cellular

Nothing has helped so far.  I found a very similar thread in Verizon discussion with people have the same exact issue.  However it's strange to me that discussion was closed and I am unable to further follow the resolution if any to this VERY, VERY serious issue.

Recent discussion thread

MMS broken again, Galaxy S8+

I ham having same identical issue with my Note 8 as these people are with Galaxy S8 and 9.  I have exact symptoms and it's ONLY in group texts.  I will text group of friends and all the sudden my texts will stop sending and I'll get stuck with sending..... then I know my MMS has frozen.  After about 5-10 minutes I will get 15 even 20+ texts back to back trying to catch up on all that I have missed. 

My observation indicates that this does not duplicate on single person to person texting.  I can text anyone just fine no matter iPhone or Android. So this issue is SPECIFICALLY isolated to group texting.  While thread above indicated Verizon will work with Android and Veirzon developers I have had zero luck in finding as to what has been found so far on this topic?

I been a valued Verizon customer for many years and this might be what will push me to switch providers if it's not resolved.  Us Verizon customers pay more money for better service and we know it.  But, this is not good service and it HAS to be fixed. 

Please let me know the latest update on this critical issue that many of us are reporting.

Thank you,


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25 Replies

so what are the issues?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same problem.  What happens is I'll be texting away and receiving messages in a group text.  Suddenly, I can't send a message in that group, and all of the messages from other people are not coming in the group text.  Each individual message is stuck in a "downloading" state outside of the group text and in each individual sender's texts.

For example, Bob, Bill, Joe, Rick, and I are texting away in a group text.  When the problem happens, I no longer receive any messages.  I back out of the group text, and I have 5 messages from Bob, 2 from Rick, 8 from Joe.  I open Joe's text thread on my phone, and the 8 messages from him are all "Downloading".

I have no issues texting individual texts to people, or even in other group threads.  When I restart my phone, suddenly the group text is full of all the previously "downloading" texts.


Customer Service Rep

I can see how this is a hassle for you when trying to send a text message in a group. With regard to messaging others in a group message, what kind of phone are you using? Also, are you using the standard text application or a downloaded one?  JasperM_VZW


I have the same problem. Been driving me nuts. I have an s8 latest update. It seems to have started after the most recent update a couple of months ago. What the heck. Very frustrated.


Is there any resolution or any way to fix this thank you

Customer Service Rep
Pwalowen, we always want your messaging to be working properly. May we ask what messaging application you are using? Have you tried using a different messaging app? If so, which ones? 



Enthusiast - Level 1

Using an iPhone 6S and iPhone 7. Just switched to Verizon this week and now group texting doesn’t work. We use the native iPhone messages app for texting. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

EXACT same problem.  Has anyone found a fix?  It's driven me nuts for years.  Group texting fine.....then all of a sudden my texts say sending....and none of theirs come in.  Individually they all show they sent a text and it's downloading.  Then, 30 minutes or so later.....boom...They all come rushing in, usually out of order.  Only group texts. 


Restarting, turning on off WiFi, turning on off data, changing text programs.  Nothing works.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

And as I just posted that, I got a text on a different group string and that one is not frozen. It's only the one that is hung up.... but it's not always that one string with that one group of people that freezes. Lots of them get stuck with no rhyme or reason but I'm now seeing that when that one is stuck, other ones are still going through.

Customer Service Rep

Are other members of your group having issue messaging within the group? AustinL_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

This has become a huge issue for me and my husband - we are both android users but almost everyone we text with are iphone users. I have a samsung s8, he has a s9. We are in many of the same group chats and we both only receive some of the texts from our friends, but rarely the same texts. We can kind of piece together conversations from this, but there are also texts that we are both clearly missing. We both will see texts in the individual text from that particular friend trying to download. However, this doesn't always happen. For example, yesterday his mom texted us, only he got it, but I didnt have anything trying to download from her. I was using the samsung text app until a couple weeks ago, then tried switching to the google text app, but that didnt help. The husband uses the google text app.


UGH I am so frustrated!  I have about 30-40 text messages in a group text that won't DL.  This is a discussion with colleagues and relatively important to have communication as a group. I have an S10+ and this just started after the latest update.  Have you figured it out yet Verizon? 


Customer Service Rep

Hello mathildarn,


I have a few group conversations that I am a part of and would be concerned too if I were having any issues receiving messages. Are you not getting any messages in these groups at all? What update are you referring to? Which messaging app are you using? 



Customer Service Rep

This is concerning to hear, is it just from one number? GenevieveB_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

For me it isn't just one number.  It's different ones.  Again, one group text string will work fine...but another will be locked up for 30 minutes...then start working.  A week later, it will be a completely different string that locks up.  It always shows that they sent something in a person to person click "download" and it just sits there.  Once the "freeze" clears all of the individual texts that were stuck on "Download" in the person to person text start flying through and the group text fills up with everything you missed.  Use both Messaging and Messages+.  Users on the other end have all different phones...iPhone and Android.   This has been going on for YEARS with Verizon.  EXACT same issue.  Happened on my Galaxy S7...happens on my S10.  

Customer Service Rep

Danfouts1414, That is odd that this issue would continue from one device to another. Group Messaging is done via MMS (Picture Messaging). Data must be enabled and working for it to download/send. Are you having any issues with your data services? Is this happening while using Wi-Fi?  AlbertoR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi AlbertoR_VZW.  No, WiFi or Data doesn't matter.  I will flip them on and off to try to get it to unfreeze and it makes no difference.  From reading everyone else's comments...Device doesn't matter.  It has happened to people on all different devices on different messaging services.  

But it's consistently the SAME situation for everyone here:

  Group Text is working Fine

  All of a sudden, your texts get stuck on sending and you don't receive anyone else's texts either

  All of the other people's texts show up under their own individual contact but it just says "Download" so you know they had sent something.  Clicking download just shows "downloading" but nothing happens.

  About 30 minutes later all of a sudden everything releases.  Your responses all go through and all of their texts disappear from the individual contact and start coming through the group chat.  



Customer Service Rep

Thank you for providing that information. We want to make sure you are provided with the best service as a customer and have a working phone. With regard to your text messaging issue are you using a third party messaging application or the orignal one provided? Does this only occur with specific numbers or all numbers? JasperM_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

No, it's any and all numbers and it's not consistent. It seems completely unrelated to who is sending the text. Again, sometimes I'll get the texts, but my husband in the same group text won't get them (and vice versa). This has always been a problem, but seems to have gotten dramatically worse in the past couple of months.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for confirming. What is the messaging application that you use on your device? If you try a different messaging application does the same thing happen? 


