Horrible customer service experience at Koreatown store

Had terrible customer service.

I bought 5 phones at last Monday at LA Korea Town store(address:  3458 Wilshire Blvd Ste 158, Los Angeles, CA 90010). After I got that, I heard a scratching sound whenever I call to someone, and weirdly I could see this problem to other 3  phones (I couldn't check the remaining one for some reasons) so I asked about this to tech. via online chat. And I still heard it after I change some setting with the technician. So they said they could replace it via shipping or going to the store where I bought. Before I chat with the tech., I contacted Willie, who helped me to open a new account when I bought the phones. and he said okay, come. And I said I would go to the store between 5:30-6m because of my work. However, he left although he knew that. I was upset at the moment. But I wanted to fix this problem so I talked about this to another female representative. But she said she couldn't do anything and contact with him. She didn't try to look through the phone and check the problem. I talked "I contacted him but he left". She continuously said the same thing. If she doesn't want to try anything as an employee, why she works? 

After I came to my home, I chat with an online representative, Edger. This person said we could replace it if I went to the store, but I didn't want to go to the store so we went to another store(address:3785 Wilshire Blvd Suite 105 A, B, Los Angeles, CA 90010) after we talked to Edger. However, the representative, who does not have a nametag, said to go to that store, talk to the manager because he wanted to go home. I believed I could fix this and Edger said it is okay to go to that store although the store closed time was coming and Edger made a sort of note.

I needed to fix this problem. I went back to the store where I bought the phones and talked to the manager. The manager said he couldn't listen to the noise sound although I can hear it from his phone. His behaviors and words seem I and my sister were the people that wanted to get profit with a normal phone.

No. The only thing that we wanted was fixing the problem either replacing or removing the noise. But he continuously said he couldn't listen the sound with very uncomfortable eyes. I'm not a very sensitive person because I usually don't care about noise sound in life.

All people are unresponsive. I'm still furious about the experience that I experienced. I don't want to replace anymore because first, I fixed the problem to change the setting from turning off the advanced calling and it was very tiring to saying the same story again and again with wasting my time but I would like to point out how the representative at LA Korea Town is very unresponsive, unresponsible, and rude.

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3 Replies

is this a corporate store or a vendor?


Both are corporate stores. 

Customer Service Rep

You always deserve the highest level of support and I sincerely apologize for the experience that you had. We will use your feedback for both stores to improve the service we offer. There is no excuse for rude behavior and I am sorry you were treated that way. I am glad to hear the service is working better at this time. Do you have any additional concerns regarding the device that I can help address as well? YaleK_VZW