How do I change the call screen them?

When people call me there is a Christmas theme that pops up. I want to change it back to normal but I can't find how to do it anywhere on the phone. It's not in apps, I changed the theme and it's still there. How do I get rid of it?

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3 Replies
Should be in ur settings and then in display.  Let me know if u find it
Customer Service Rep

Being able to customize your phone can be fun. Laceyturner1992, we really appreciate the steps provided on how to change the display on the device. I wanted to gain some additional information to ensure we provide the correct steps in removing the Christmas Theme. Does the Christmas Theme appear when anyone calls you or only specific contacts that call you? Was there any recent changes made to your phone when the theme started to appear? Does this only appear when receiving calls?




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Customer Service Rep

OGAngryHulk, I can definitely understand wanting to get rid of a Christmas Theme. In order to do this, it will either be in settings> Display,  or settings> Wallpapers and Themes. Do you remember if this theme was one that you had purchased or attained directly through your settings, or through a third party app? 

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