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I would like to add a Basic (not Premium) Visual Voicemail App. Several community answers have said to either tap, or drag, "the voicemail icon", then perform some other steps. However, I can not locate any voicemail icon in apps or settings. I have a certified refurbished S7 not purchased from Verizon. When I activated the phone, I had a trial period of the premium, but when I declined renewal, the app went away. My S5 had an app preinstalled that I think was offered by Verizon.
1. How can I install a voicemail app?
2. If the answer is get one out of Google Play, do you have experience with one that you like. The most important thing I want is a notification icon telling me that I have a voicemail message. Beyond that, I'd like to avoid dialing *86. Thank you.
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TomJenks, I am concerned to hear that you do not have have the voicemail application on your device. Typically, all 4G LTE devices have this icon pre-installed by default. The good news is that I have some great links that will help answer your questions.
Please click on the following link which will show you where to access the basic visual voicemail: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-103572/
Click here for instructions on how to activate the basic visual voicemail: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-103564/
To activate the notifications when you receive a voicemail, click the following link for instructions here: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-21683/
Can you please provide me with the steps that you are taking when looking for the voicemail icon? When did you notice that your voicemail icon was missing from your device?
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I have looked for the icon both (1) in my apps folder where all other apps are listed; and (2) in settings/apps. The apps are arranged in alpha order, but there is no voicemail icon under "v" or anywhere else.
When I first activated the phone, the app was there, and I was using the premium voicemail trial period. My recollection is that I simply let that expire. That is I don't THINK I selected uninstall. But ever since that time a couple of weeks ago, the voicemail icon was missing.
Thank you for those links you sent, but as far as I can see all of them involve the icon, so they won't solve my problem.
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Have you checked to verify the application wasn't disabled?
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TomJenks, making sure the app is on your device, is where we would want to start. Ann154 is correct; we want to check if the voicemail application has been disabled on the phone. To investigate that, we'll need to go to the Application Manager. I've got a handy set of instructions here for you to use. Follow the 'Enable App' instructions to check the voicemail app:
If you find it disabled, enable it, and then try and access it. You can use these instructions to help get the basic visual voicemail set-up: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-103564/
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Only 2 apps appear under Disabled App: Google Play Music and Google Play Video. NOT any voicemail app. Nor does the voicemail app appear under enabled apps or all apps. I insist I flat out do not have the voicemail app icon anywhere on my phone. So my question remains: is there a way to download the app, or some other similar app?
Thank you.
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Hmm, this is really odd TomJenks. While there isn't a way to download the app, we may be able to get it back by performing a master reset. Bringing it back to when you had the app. We wouldn't be able to speak to any third party apps as we have no way of knowing if it'll work with your phone, the network, etc. You can reset your phone here: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-203264/
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I always thought the basic visual voicemail and the premium visual voicemail used the same voicemail application.
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I have a certified reconditioned phone purchased from Samsung and have the same problem in that there is no voice mail app button to access voice mails. Verizon tech told me they don't make a downloadable voice mail app for the S7. *86 is the only option or change providers since it is offered by other service providers in Google play store.